Page 31 of Defiant

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Chapter 23


I stare at the white coffin, and it is all too real. In just under an hour, people will be admitted into the estate to pay their respects to Stefan under the assumption he is actually dead. Because that was our solution – a funeral.

What easier way to find out of your enemy is dead other than to attend his funeral and look at his corpse? That is our thought, anyway. He doesn’t like putting me at risk, but we have already proven that the security here is airtight, and even I have a gun strapped under my dress and ready to go off when the moment comes. I have been shown a picture of the man in question, and I am ready to take him out while Stefan’s men concern themselves with anyone who might come with Marius to protect him.

Stefan comes into the room wearing the tux he got married in, and I almost throw up all over my black dress. I am supposed to be in mourning, so for once, I opted to skip on the red.

“I don’t think I can watch you get in that casket, Stefan,” I whisper, surprised at myself for admitting it. Now that the anger has worn off, I am just tired. Tired of being lonely. Tired of pretending to feel nothing for him. I know I shouldn’t. That he is in every way wrong for every woman to ever step foot on this planet, me included, but there is something about us that just works anyway. And being fucked up with him was better than the kind of fucked up I was enduring back in Texas. I don’t think I can ever truly go back to my old life and be alright with it.

Stefan leans down and kisses me on the forehead, and I feel like even though he is not truly dead, I need to spit it out and not wait until after the fact. “I’m pregnant, Stefan,” I admit, and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. There is nothing on my conscience now.

He smiles sadly. “I know. It’s why I wanted to find a way to bring you home. I am sorry for everything I have done, and you should know I killed Lajos because of what he allowed to happen to you. The deal was supposed to be that nobody touched you. It was just a means to get you to me, you were never supposed to be harmed.”

“I shouldn’t forgive you,” I tell him.

“I don’t blame you, but I will not have this child raised by two people who hate each other. We need to work this shit out.”

I pull him to me and crash my lips against him passionately. I am desperate to feel him again. This whole funeral thing is bringing it into perspective. I pull away and wipe a tear from my eye. “I want to try and work this out, Stefan, and to be your wife. But there can’t ever be any secrets again.”

“Understood.” He nods, giving me one last peck on the lips before climbing into the coffin and laying down, his breathing slowing to the point that you have to look hard to tell he is alive. He has slathered on makeup, so he looks pale, and the white suit with the white casket makes it hard to tell as well. The seats are far enough back that his body can barely be seen.

I take my seat at the front and keep my head down, playing the part of the depressed widow. But in my head, as people are filing in and being seated by the maids and butler, I am going over the plan and waiting to get a glimpse of the man I am supposed to kill. I have my doubts about pulling it off, mostly because he has so easily alluded us, and Stefan had worked with Lajos for years and didn’t even know he was working for this Marius.

And then I see him, his hands in his pockets. He is dressed like everyone else but doesn’t look like he belongs here. His body language reminds me of someone who goes into a business only to use the bathroom.

I stand up, just minutes before the funeral is meant to begin. Stefan’s parents are already seated, and most of the people here are staged. Though, there are a few that are going to get quite a shock when now both a wedding and a funeral end in a gun being pulled. But Stefan has plenty of resources to twist the press and any investigations in our favor. Not to mention that Mariana has now been brought up to speed on this mess.

I walk up to Stefan and pull out a handkerchief, dabbing at my face and nose like I am grieving. My hand is shaking, which is no good since I am about to try and hold a gun and shoot, but I cannot help it as real as this looks. I know now that I am in love with this man and am overjoyed that he is not dead and instead will be here to raise this child with me.

Marius is hanging around to the side, wandering closer and closer to me and the casket. I don’t know if he means to make a move against me like this or not, but it is now or never.

I subtly reach in and give two taps to Stefan’s right arm, our signal, but to everyone else I will just be sad and saying goodbye.

And then I give three more taps, Marius only feet away.

Gasps are my cue as Stefan sits up in his coffin, miraculously alive. I whip my gun out and point it at Marius before he can react.

One shot in the chest and two in the head to be sure. Just like I practiced.

The enemy is dead.
