Page 4 of Defiant

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Chapter 3


A heavy pounding pulsates in my head, so bad that I feel like I was hit with a sledgehammer. I wasn’t, though. Or at least, I don’t believe I was. The last thing I remember is dancing in that club with a really hot man. I mean, breathtakingly gorgeous, the kind of man who you think only exists in movies or Katy Perry music videos.

I bring my hands up to my face and slowly open my eyes. Much to my dismay, it’s dark here with only a tiny sliver of light coming in from under what I assume is a door. I turn around quickly and bump my head into something strong and sturdy. Searching my hands around me, I feel the coolness of metal bars . . . causing my heart to beat a mile a minute. I think I’m in some sort of cage.

Fear runs through my body. Going outside of the country is always dangerous, but I thought I had a good hold on it. Fuck, I wasn’t even alone! Paulo was in the same bar I was in, flirting away with that cutie he likes. I, on the other hand was flirting with that hot British man . . . the same man who gave me that shot of . . . oh my god. I have no idea what was in that drink. How stupid could I have been?!

I run my hands along the side, feeling the bars go for a few feet before I sense a curve. I continue following it until the metal curves again. If I have to guess, I’d say I’m in some sort of man-made cell. All of a sudden, I’m moving side to side, but my feet are planted in the same exact place they were before. I hear a rushing sound, not quite sure what it is until I look up to see a small, circular window. The sun shines brightly outside the window, and I see the faint body of a bird passing by.

With every moment I’m awake, I’m putting the pieces together. It’s no secret I’m in some sort of cage made for a human. Whatever I’m on is rocking back and forth, so I must be on a boat, and I smell saltiness . . . proving my last thought is correct.

Grabbing onto the bars, I sink down and pull my legs to my chest, trying to process what’s happened to me. I’ve suddenly become the leading heroine in some abduction movie, obviously. Hell, maybe I’m being punked. Maybe this is some harsh lesson being taught by my father on why I need to stop with my partying ways. I wouldn’t put it past him; he’s the type to pull something like this after all.

“Hello?!” I shout, thinking that someone might come to my rescue. Actually, after thinking it . . . I highly doubt that’s going to end up happening.

Much to my surprise, the door to my room comes screeching open. It feels like I’m living in a horror movie, waiting to see the henchmen on the other side. As the door opens, the light is nothing but blinding. I squint, attempting to make out the figure coming towards me. When my eyes register and I hear metal scraping against my cage, I really get a good look at this guy. He’stheguy! The hot one.

“Where in the fuck have you taken me?” I seethe out, my entire body overcome with outrage. I was afraid at first, but now, I just want to pummel this asshole into the ground.

“I will tell you this once, Presley. You can try to get answers out of us, but it won’t be good for you. For every question you ask, I will punch you in the face. I am giving you the courtesy of a warning because you have such a beautiful face. It would be a shame to tarnish your perfectly good looks. You will bring my boss lots of money, girl. You will see.”

Money? How on Earth am I going to bring anyone money?

Shit. Now I get it.

“My father has been adamant on the fact he will never pay a ransom whenever it is presented. I’m afraid that you’re straight out of luck.” If he is even decently smart, he’ll understand that I’m giving him a way out. My dad won’t pay. I know he won’t because he has an entire crisis management team that’s advised him on what to do with matters like this. He’s told me to my face how he’d let me rot instead of allowing anything negative to happen with the company, and I believe him.

I hear the unmistakable click of a lock turning before the door to my cage comes open and he grabs my forearm. With a force, he tugs me along with him out of the room I’ve been in and down a narrow, well-lit hallway. We walk for a while until he slides a door open and I’m taken in yet another room. This one is different, though. It’s sterile looking, white, smells of alcohol and hand sanitizer. If I woke up in this room, I doubt that I’d even know I was on a boat, or at sea. Only the chemicals would fill my nostrils.

In the middle of the room is a chair with stirrups and straps. It reminds me of something you’d see in a mad scientist film. “You are cute to think this is some sort of ransom ploy. Surely, you aren’t that important,” Thomas says to me, or at least, I think that’s his name. He told me it last night, but, for all I know, he could be lying.

“Obviously, you don’t have any idea who I am. Do you?” I glare at this idiotic man because I’m worth millions. But just as the reality sets in that I’m not a ransom ploy, I wonder what any of this means. If they don’t plan on collecting a ransom . . . then whatdothey plan on doing with me?

Instead of a response, I’m throttled back into the wall, and a fist comes into contact with the right side of my cheek. The pulsating pain barrels through me once again; only, this time, I can hear my heart beating inside my head. I slide down to the floor, the pain becoming too overwhelming to bear. My butt hits the ground, and no later than few seconds am I being grabbed on the forearm yet again. Thomas walks me over to the chair in the middle of the room and tosses me on top of it. He goes to my right arm and straps me in and then my left. I start to kick with my legs when he grabs my throat and chokes me out. “I was told I couldn’t fuck you, that you’re too valuable, but you’re just begging for me to sink my cock in you to shut you up. Aren’t you?”

I’m truly shocked, so shocked in fact that I don’t have a response for him. He snickers while grabbing my right leg and locking me in and then grabs my left and does the same. “I’m sure you realize that you’re about to get an exam by a physician to make sure you don’t have any diseases before we sell you. Buyers don’t like it if the girls are pregnant or have an STD. No matter, if you’re pregnant, we’ll handle the problem before we send you their way.”

Handle the problem. I’m sure that means they abort them. The thought of it turns my stomach. I want to ask him questions, but I know that the moment I talk I will be hit again. I’m exhausted, feeling weaker than I ever have before. I don’t even know how many days I’ve been on this boat, or if it’s only been a few hours.

“Now comes the fun part,” he mutters, grabbing the dress I’ve been wearing. He takes a knife and cuts from the area where it turns into a v and brings the blade lower until my breasts are exposed and the only thing covering my body is a small G-string thong.

Thomas places his hands under my thong and rips it away from me, burning into my flesh at the friction. He takes a couple steps back, and I see him unbuckle his pants, pulling his half-hard cock free. He presses a button on the side of the chair and brings me down lower. “I was told not to touch your cunt with my cock. No one ever said anything about your mouth or ass.”

“You wouldn’t dare defy your boss. How would he like it when he finds out that you violated his product?” I hiss out, trying to intimidate him in another way. It’s obvious that I have nothing to do with ransom, so if I’m product, he may be fearful, depending on what would happen to his job.

“I have violated his product many times before. I doubt that he will care,” Thomas retorts. Taking his hand, he plunges it inside my pussy, going in and out. “He never said anything about fucking you with my fists, either.” I try not to tense up, knowing that it will just hurt me more, but I can’t help it. This isn’t some hot porn video that I’m taking part in. I’m in some sort of hell. My own personal form of hell.

Normally, I don’t mind being tied up, but these aren’t circumstances that I appreciate. I want consent, and he most certainly doesn’t have it from me.

He places his left hand in my mouth, keeping it in a circle while he aligns his hips with my mouth. Suddenly, his balls are resting on my forehead and I have a glorious view of his hairy ass. He thrusts his hips over my face again and again while moving his hand in a very uncomfortable way inside my pussy. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, deciding not to make a sound because I won’t have this idiot think that he’s going to get me off in any way whatsoever.

After a few minutes I feel the warmth of his semen hitting the back of my throat and cough, wanting to spit this shit up, but he removes his cock and hand, shutting my mouth firmly. “You’re going to swallow that, bitch, and know that you’re nothing here. You’re only a cum dumpster, one that I might just use again.” Thomas removes his hands, and the door comes open, revealing a woman who narrows her eyes on him.

“What did you do to her?” she questions, glaring with all her might.

“Oh, nothing. She got a bit rough with me, so I made her pay.”

“You expect me to believe that a girl who can’t be more than a hundred and twenty-five pounds got rough with your two-hundred-pound arse? Plus, your cock is still out.”

“Why you lookin’, sweetheart? You want a round of this?” He grabs his cock and strokes it in front of her, causing me to gag, and luckily, he’s removed his hand so I can spit his semen out of my mouth.

“Get the fuck out of here before I cut your cock off.” At that, he’s quick to get out of her hair, leaving the two of us be.

“Listen, I’m here to do a job and only to do a job. I won’t save you from whatever is coming your way. I will not be your friend, ally, or escape strategist. I am a doctor and here to make sure that you are as healthy as possible before you move onto the next phase of your life. I will give you a rundown of what I’m doing. I am going to examine you, take a blood test, and ask you a series of questions. All of which you will answer without hesitation. If you hesitate, I will be forced to bring in men like Thomas who will do whatever they please, and personally, I do not want to give that order. I will if I have to, though. So, let’s get on with it, shall we?”

If I’ve learned anything in my time here, it’s that it’s better to not ask questions and just to go along with it. If I’m being sold, then it means I won’t have a plan to escape until I’m out of this place. I just have to put up with whatever will happen until then, and believe me, I will escape. I refuse to be a fucking victim in this scenario.
