Page 7 of Defiant

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Chapter 5


My phone buzzes again on the desk in my study. I curse at myself, wondering if it is my father yet again. He’s called me twenty-three times in the last day and a half. I can’t fathom why he’s still calling. Surely, he knows that I won’t answer. I’ve ignored him thus far, and I’ll continue to do so. My mother, on the other hand, called once, and I answered, apologizing for leaving the way I did. However, I need her to understand that I have a limit when it comes to my father.

She loves him unconditionally, something that I should hope for as a child, for my parents to care that much about the other. Only, I see their marriage for what it is; an arrangement that was made for them all those years ago. I refuse to have my father do the same to me, to put me in a marriage with a woman I could hate, or one like my mother where she’d love me and I wouldn’t want a damn thing to do with her. Any of these options are feasible when families like ours stick to the old ways. It’s why I’m so adamant about doing my own thing.

Isabella is a good option, but she’s not my type. The girl has so many secrets. Ones that her own brother doesn’t know about, and I wonder what they think she’s really been doing in New York for the last month. I have friends in high places, and I have ones in low ones. In this case, my friends from the higher parts gave me a little intel on little Miss Isabella. If I know about what she’s been up to, then I’m sure others do as well. I wonder how long she’ll live when the others find out she’s an operative for the government, going covert under mission.

It’s hysterical for me imagining a girl like her in a situation like that. A quiet, timid, little girl somehow growing brass balls. It doesn’t take an idiot to figure out they had something on her, and that’s the information I don’t have yet. I’ll get it, but I’m sure it will take me quite a while. Depending on what it is, I might just have to use it against her and tell our lovely King and Queen. Although, if I can use her being an operative as a way to gain information, I’ll useherto my advantage.

My phone buzzes away again. This time, I’m unable to ignore the loud vibrating sound of it against the wood. I pick it up, unleashing my aggravation on my father. “Do you realize how many times you have called me? This marks twenty-four, and I’m over it. Stop fucking calling me. If and when I want to call you, I will reach out,” I hiss, ready to hang up the phone when I realize that my father isn’t the one who called me.

“Is that really how you want to speak to me? Especially when I just kept a crew of my men from touching what is yours?” My good friend, er, business associate, Lajos, says to me.

Lajos and I have known one another for quite a few years. He had a bad run of things, gaining too much attention from the police. I told him to shut shit down, and instead of that, he decided to continue his risqué business, only hiding it from me in the process. I caught him a few months back and almost killed him, until he offered me a deal I couldn’t have said no to.

“So, you’ve picked up the package I’ve requested?” I ask, assuming that he must’ve if he’s even called me.

“Yes, three days ago. She’s unlike any other girl that I’ve ever had onboard before.”

Running a hand over my jaw, I want to know more. “What do you mean by that?”

“She had an incident with a former member of my crew, and instead of cowering and keeping this secret, she spoke up.”

Anger boils through my veins at hearing that someone has touched what’s mine. “Didn’t you just tell me that youkeptyour men from touching her?” I seethe, clicking my tongue from the roof of my mouth.

“I did when I discovered what was about to happen. You should be thanking me. I helped your girl, and yet, you get attitude with me?”

“Of course, I get shitty with you. Lajos, we had an agreement. You would deliver me the girl that I wanted, and she would remain untouched by anyone while in your hands. I’m coming to the auction as promised, however, I’m quite upset that my product is now damaged.” I will do whatever I can to get him to lower the price on her head now. “How do you know that she isn’t pregnant?”

“She isn’t. She told me he didn’t violate her in that way.” He states it so matter-of-factly, but he doesn’t know.

“Do you think she’d tell a strange man who put her in a cage everything that happened, or, just enough to get her attacker in trouble?”

Lajos chuckles, “Oh, Stefan, how you should know what I do to men who don’t listen to me by now. I shot him in the showers and let his blood coat the drains. Men who fuck with me only end up as one thing— chum for the sharks.”

“And you should understand how I treat men who don’t fulfill their promises to me, Lajos. You made an oath to me that she would be unharmed, and yet she is. Now, you will take the price down on her head for my inconvenience. She’s been violated, and because of that, she’s damaged goods. I expected the cream of the crop, not a bruised fruit. It simply will not do.”

I look across my study to the cherry wood bookshelves I just had installed in my mansion. This room was empty for so long until I decided to make it somewhat of a library. I like to get lost in the moment in this room. Lost in the beauty of the words.

“I will think about your request and let you know when you come to the auction. I will have someone from my team reach out to you with the coordinates to where we will be. As you know, it can change based on the weather and quite a few other factors. Shall I expect your attendance?”

“Yes, but, Lajos this will be my last warning. If another hair on her pretty little head is harmed, I will destroy you.” If anything, I wish I was able to see his face through my threat. Lajos might not know it yet, but either way, he is a dead man. He has far too much information, and if there’s anything in this world I hate, it’s rats.

“I will see you at eight this evening, Mr. Dalca.” The tone of his voice suddenly turns professional before he hangs up the phone.

I take in a deep breath, sitting my phone down on my desk, reveling in the fact that, tonight, I will meet my future wife — the one woman who will keep me on my toes. Presley Richards.
