Page 12 of Ruthless

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Chapter 8


A week has gone by since Carla and I were in her restaurant. We ended up staying there for a good couple of hours, drank a few glasses of wine and enjoyed various items off the menu. We’ve had a couple other brief meetings where I’ve come by the restaurant, because it’s the one place I can find her. When she’s not in the apartment I don’t have to search very far. Carla is active in her business every single day of the week, except Sundays, which is the only day they close. She’s stated to me it’s the day of rest and should be treated as so.

So, it’s Sunday and instead of resting I want to go explore more of Seattle. Since I’ve been here I haven’t gone to see the city. I’m hoping to talk Carla into coming along with me.

She ran around with her brother Gianni earlier today and just arrived back at the apartment an hour ago. I decided to give her some time to decompress before inviting her out with me. While Carla was relaxing I was on a conference call with my right hand man, Florin, who’s been back in Munich handling business for me alongside Luna. From what he’s told me she took a couple days off but has been insisting on overseeing some matters. The woman is a hard worker and never takes a moment for herself, so I’m relieved to find out she did take a small break.

“Is Greta causing any more problems?” I ask Florin about the biggest headache I have back in Munich. In all honesty, I was reluctant to leave because of the issues this woman has caused. She continuously tries to fuck with business for the Clans and has been trying to bring drugs into my city. I’m the type of man who puts up with little bullshit, especially this.

I hear him take a heavy breath, “Nothing I can’t handle. You’re supposed to be enjoying your time with Carla, so I won’t interrupt your trip with unnecessary stressors.”

I don’t realize I’ve been clenching my fist until I glance down to my lap. Anything remotely related to Greta infuriates me. If I was gasoline, she’d be the match that causes me to burn down the entire city. “What’s happened since I’ve been gone?”

“I caught a couple of her men trying to sell heroin to kids on the street.”

“Kids?” I question, wanting to make sure I’ve heard him correctly.

“Yes, they were seventeen.”

“Please tell me you handled it.”

“Of course. We intervened before they got the drugs and met with the boys’ parents. I offered your help in assisting them on locating a rehab center for their children. They were grateful for your generosity.”

I’m relieved at hearing how Florin handled things. He did everything as I would. “Good. Drugs are a silent killer. I do my best to keep Munich safe from addiction and the horrors that come with it, however we know people like Greta will try to fight against us every step of the way. How did you handle the men?”

“I slit their necks personally and hung them up in town. It was all over the news and while the police are trying to look like they’re investigating it, we both know they aren’t. Greta should’ve received our message by now.”

The Clans pay the police to stay out of our business handsomely. They know we’re not the true enemy here. What many people don’t realize is that organized crime keeps control over a large portion of other criminal acts. Though, there are people like Greta who try to mess up the hierarchy.

“Good. Keep me updated if anything else progresses.”

“Will do, Philippe. Are you off to do something with Carla?” Florin asks.

“Yes, I’m going to try and talk her into going out with me. I haven’t had much time to go around the city, so I’m hopeful she’ll be my personal tour guide.”

“Ah, it sounds like fun. Enjoy your time, and you won’t hear from me incase shit hits the fan.”

“Alright. Do me a favor and make sure Luna doesn’t work too hard. I know you’ll never get a vacation while I’m away, although it doesn’t mean she needs to work herself into the ground. Shedoesget to take a break while I’m not in Munich.”

Florin chuckles and even though we’re thousands of miles away it’s like I can see his facial reaction. “You know I can’t tell that woman what to do. She’s stubborn as a mule.”

“Yeah, but still try.” I comment as we say our goodbyes and I end the call. Sliding the phone into my blazer pocket, I rise from my seat on the edge of my bed, leave my bedroom and go into the living room where Carla is reading a book on the couch.

I walk up behind her, place my elbows on the back of the couch and peer into what she’s reading.

It’s never been easy being the daughter of a mafioso, but I do my best. He wants me to be the picture-perfect woman, to radiate innocence with every step I take, but I cannot. My reasoning is simple —I’m not a porcelain doll. I have flaws, imperfections and even worse than that . . . I’ve done things I can’t take back.

“What’s the name of the book? Looks pretty good,” I say, causing Carla to fly out of her seat.

She turns around with her hand on her heart, breathing in and out quickly. “Don’t you know it’s rude to sneak up on people?”

“It’s not my fault you weren’t aware of your surroundings,” I chuckle, teasing her. Over the last week we’ve been bickering with playful banter back and forth. In a sense it’s been refreshing. Carla pulls her brows together and gives me the impression she’s about to give me a stern talking to, but I interject just as she’s about to speak. “I was hoping you’d accompany me today. I had plans to see your fabulous city.”

She cocks her head to the side, “You want me to tour you around?”

I nod, “I sure do. I’d love to go to the Space Needle if you’re okay with it.”
