Page 13 of Ruthless

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Carla giggles, “How touristy of you. Are you sure you want to go? It’s likely to be a zoo.”

“Yes, it’s on my to-do list. How could I come to Seattle and not go to the thing it’s most known for?”

Carla walks around the couch and comes up to me. Placing her hand on my shoulder, she skims it over and wraps her hand around part of my neck. I’ve never had a woman do this to me. Usually it’s been the exact opposite. Although, somehow I enjoy the way she’s touching me. Feeling her soft fingertips gently caressing the back of my neck.

I want to take this opportunity to press my lips against Carla’s for the very first time. However, she pulls away within an instant and I start to wonder if she’s a mind reader. “Come on, let’s get going.”


Carla acted like she didn’t want to take me to the Space Needle but when we got there I knew that wasn’t the case. She was all smiles as she showed me other key areas of her city by pointing them out from the top. We spent a little over three hours there, as cliché as it may be, and had a snack at the café inside.

Even though I could tell the two of us were having a good time, Carla wasn’t fully enjoying herself. I highly doubt accompanying your fiancé around town is her idea of a romantic date. Of course we’re not traveling familiar territory here. I imagine the only type of sexual relationships we’ve had were one night stands or short-term relationships. The romantic aspect isn’t exactly here yet for us, and I can assume it won’t be for quite a while.

“Do you want to head back to the apartment, or head out to get some dinner?” I ask her as we walk off the elevator which lets us out at the bottom of the Space Needle.

“I’d love to eat . . . and I know where I’m taking you. This was nice but it wasn’t fun. I want to show you the essence of Seattle I love, Philippe. There’s only one place I can take you to show you what I mean.”

“Alright. . . .” I’m a bit nervous about where Carla intends to take me. It’s no secret she’s promiscuous and I have a feeling she’s going to take me somewhere I never thought I’d ever venture to.

We get in Carla’s Ferrari Spider and she zips us around town. In less than twenty minutes we’re in a different part than I’ve been to before and are parking in a reserved spot. “Is this your parking space?”

Carla giggles, raising a brow. “Yes, I’m a good friend of the owner.” Something about the way Carla tells me she’s afriendmakes me think there’s something more. Especially considering what I saw a week ago. I still have yet to fully process all of it, nor have we had any more conversation about it.

We exit her vehicle and walk around the corner of the building. I look up to see an extravagant red sign forThe Tea House. There’s a sign on the front door stating you have to be twenty-one or older to enter and identification will be checked. Below it is a sign of their business hours, showing they’re open from six in the evening to two in the morning every day. I want to peer in the windows of the establishment but I’m unable to. The windows have a dark tint over them which make it unable to see a thing. So much so that I can’t even tell if they have lights on inside.

Carla puts her hand on the golden handle of the door and now is when I realize it’s not just a typical handle. The handles are golden dragons and as I pass them I see the detail put into both of them. I follow Carla inside and am met with two tall, muscular men in black suits. They have sunglasses on and seem to be in a defensive stance. “Miss Moretti, it’s lovely to see you again. Please make your way inside to your usual table.” One of the men tells her and she moves forward, but when I go to follow, he puts a hand out in front of me.

“Who are you, mister?”

Carla turns around and places her hand on the bouncer’s arm. “Gene, Philippe is with me.”

“This guy is with you? Doesn’t seem to be your type, Miss Moretti.” Gene grumbles.

“I shouldn’t have to repeat myself. Philippe, please come with me.” Carla hisses and Gene removes his hand. I go up next to her and walk alongside her. She turns her head toward mine as we walk. “They call him Mean Gene. He might be six foot three but he’s got eight feet of attitude.”

“He should worry about who he gives attitude.” I grumble out as we reach her table. It’s located at the front of the club. I’m not typically a man who uses his position to intimidate others. However, the way I was just treated irritates me. I regret bitching until I see Carla give me a look that shows me she likes what just slipped out —the dominance that is.

The inside of this club is a bit different than any others I’ve ever been to. Usually there’s a dance floor in the center and seating is around the sides in marked VIP sections, or on the second floor. Here there are booths and tables spread in front of a stage. But the stage comes out into the dining area. It kind of resembles how a river breaks into multiple streams, each going in a different direction.

Carla goes to where one of the aisles come right up to a booth and takes a seat. She scoots in onto the red velvet material and I get in next to her. We’re barely seated when a beautiful Asian woman comes up to us in a white kimono with cherry blossoms covering the fabric. Her hair is tied up and from the looks of it she has a real cherry blossom holding it together.

“Would you like your usual Miss Moretti?” The girl asks Carla, who immediately nods.

“Yes and order a double of it please. I want Philippe to have the complete experience while we’re here tonight.”

Carla leans over to me and whispers in my ear, “I can guarantee this is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before.The Tea Houseisn’t a typical bar, or club. I’m wondering if you’ve figured it out yet.” She tilts her head to face me a bit more, adding a wink on at the end.

I glance around the club and I can honestly tell her I’m not sure what this place is. I’ve seen my fair share of movies . . . so I give her my best guest. “A geisha club?” I chuckle at the end, watching her expression shift into nothing but amusement.

“Oh God no, silly. I’ve brought you to a burlesque club, and one owned by my good friend Misha.” Carla finishes speaking and truly surprises me as she places her lips on mine in a short, sweet kiss. I don’t know what I was expecting from her, but I had thought when we did share our first kiss it would be fueled by passion. I’m not complaining here, but I do think there is a right time for everything.

“I hear my name,” A woman’s voice says from behind us. Carla and I both turn and I watch as Carla rises, goes over to the other end of the booth and meets this woman for a hug. This must be Misha. She’s a visibly beautiful woman. Comparable to Willow’s beauty, but her facial structure is a bit thinner. Her hair a chocolate brown and she has it pulled in a half up, half down fashion. Her makeup is light which is surprising. I’d think the owner of this establishment would want to look as regal as the location. Misha is dressed a bit differently from her employees. She’s in a skin-tight black dress that stops at her knees, but from what I can tell she’s wearing red bottomed shoes.

“I was only telling Philippe my good friend who owns the club,” Carla teases, moving in for a hug from her friend.

“Ah,” Misha pauses and looks in between Carla and I. “I imagine you’ll stay for the burlesque show, but I can’t help but wonder if you’re coming home with me tonight, or if thetwoof you?”

Hearing Misha’s word this evokes a sense of disbelief within me. I want to be the better man and keep my anger within me, but I can’t hold back the feelings that are taking over my body. I snap out at both the women, “No, we’ll be going home alone.” I don’t stick around, wanting only to escape this conversation and exit the booth, heading towards the front doors of the establishment. If I need anything right now, it’s some fucking air.
