Page 16 of Ruthless

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Chapter 11


The last couple days I have done nothing but try to think of a way to ensure Philippe doesn’t get harmed. My sister is so determined to get revenge against the Clans and while I understand the anger she has, what I don’t understand is why she wants to hurt my precious Philippe. He hasn’t done anything to me, my sister or my family. However, those who threw us to the side like we were nothing more than trash on the street deserve whatever is coming to them.

Philippe is still in Seattle with that witch who’s trying to steal him from me. She can try all she wants, but she certainly won’t succeed. If anyone is going to be with my Philippe, it’ll be me. I’ll make sure to slit her throat myself before I give him up. She’s not even Romanian, but an Italian. How disgusting is that?!

I’ve done a lot of thinking and if there’s anyone who will be able to help me get Philippe back . . . it’ll be Florin, his most trusted advisor who also doubles as security. I made sure to get in early this morning, start up my computer in Philippe’s apartment which doubles as my office and wait. Florin is always here and I mean constantly. He’s inside Philippe’s apartment fourteen hours a day when Philippe hasn’t left town, but when he’s gone, Florin will sleep on the couch.

I watched from my apartment and saw Florin leave and walk around the corner. He’s a creature of habit who always goes to the café a block away from here to get his coffee and pastry. I set up everything the way I needed it to. I even prepared myself just in case things take a turn the way I think they will.

I’m wearing a sapphire blue blouse with a short pencil skirt. I have glasses on today for no other reason than to look more visibly appealing and my hair is tied up in a messy style. I topped my look off with a peach colored lipstick and I’m ready for whatever happens.

The click of the lock being turned causes me to jolt my attention upward, staring at the door. I ensure to make my expression seem anxious, or unsure who is about to enter but I’m already well aware.

“Luna, I thought you were taking the day off.” Florin states with coffee in hand. I direct my attention to my computer and open my email, appearing that I’m conducting business as usual.

“I was going to, but there’s so much to do. I don’t want to let Philippe down, or make him think I’m not taking my job seriously.”

“He wants you to take a day for yourself, Luna. You’re always working. So, get up and go do something.” Florin says, motioning with my hand for me to get going.

“I —” I lose my focus and can’t think of what to say. This has never happened before and I’m frustrated because the man I love is so far away from me, touring around with another woman. She could’ve had her hands all over him for all I know. I want to vomit thinking of it, imagining a woman violating him in the places where only I’m supposed to touch.

Florin draws his brows together and I catch the way he’s looking at me. He’s giving me an in to the thoughts running through his mind. He’s sensing every bit of vulnerability I’m portraying right now. Good. I want him to think I’m a scared, sad, little deer.

I close my eyes tightly, keeping them closed for a few moments before I look at him with hope. “Florin, I don’t know what to do. I’m in love with Philippe and I need him to come back to me. I can’t imagine being without him for this long.” My voice cracks with a mixture of fake and real emotion. While I miss Philippe, I’m playing up how much to make Florin want to take advantage of the situation. After all, I know what type of man I’m dealing with here. At the end of the day, all men want is the same thing —sex.

“Luna, he’s getting married. There’s no way he’s going to be with you.” Florin says and I feel anger coursing through my entire body. It’s taking every ounce of strength in me not to get up from my seat, walk over to him and wrap my hands around his neck.

“Florin, please. I need Philippe to come home.”

“Why? What will you do, Luna? Are you going to tell him how you feel if he does?”

I will tell Philippe when the time is right, but it won’t be until after the tragedy that is set to happen at the wedding. “Yes, I’ll tell him as soon as I feel he’s ready. But you need to promise me you won’t tell him. I need to let him know how I feel on my own time.”

Florin remains quiet for a while but ultimately nods his head. “I’ll help you on one condition. You fuck me, and I’ll get you whatever that heart of yours desires. You’ve been teasing, taunting the hell out of me for ages in those short skirts.” Bingo. I knew he’d want sex.

I make it appear like I’m contemplating what he’s asking of me by biting my bottom lip and shifting my eyes away from him. “I don’t know . . .” I feign.

“What’s not to know? You fuck me and I get you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

I meet my eyes back with Florin’s and partially nod, “Anal. You don’t get my pussy. That’s reserved for Philippe. Do you understand?”

“Fine, as long as I get you until four tonight.”

“Two,” I counter, trying to cut off time from having to be with him. I can barely stomach the idea of being with Florin, but I know I have to if I want to get Philippe.

“At two this afternoon you’re free to go, but you suck my cock before I fuck that ass of yours.” Florin says.

“Fine, as long as you open the liquor cabinet.” I agree and watch as he goes over to the cabinet that houses all the fine liquor. Florin grabs a bottle of scotch and comes over, hands it to me and speaks.

“Take two heavy shots and when you’re done get on your knees and suck my cock.”

“Fine, but you know a way to get Philippe back here?” I ask after taking my first sip.

“Yes, we’ll just have a little accident happen with the woman he loves more than anything.” Florin wants to hurt Philippe’s mother. Maybe he’s not so dumb after all.
