Page 19 of Ruthless

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Chapter 14


“I can’t wait for you to become a mother.” Aria says out of nowhere, causing me to look at her like she’s lost her damn mind.

I laugh, “I’m not even married yet and you’re over here naming babies.”

Aria giggles, “I’d say I’m sorry, but how can I be? You’ve always been amazing with Sorina. Carla, you’re a natural at it. Have you and Philippe discussed trying immediately after your wedding?”

“Oh god, no. We talked about a cat and dog, not pattering feet. I like the idea of being a mom, Aria, but I don’t know if I’m ready for it quite yet.”

“You’re never ready for it.” She chuckles, “Heck, I sure wasn’t.”

“I don’t think I can yet . . . I need more time first. Philippe and I are only just starting to get along. I don’t want to screw that all up with pressure of starting a family, extending the line, or whatever you call it, you know?

“I understand more than anyone else I think. Of course I was never under the same pressures because I married outside the clan. However, Marcel will be going through the same pressures you are now since he’s head of the Baptiste clan. From what he tells me Ion hasn’t spoken to him about his lack of a girlfriend yet, but I think he will soon. It’s only a matter of time.”

“I don’t know Ion or Mariana well but I would tend to agree with you. The extension of the Clans seems to be a big priority on their list.”

“Of course it is. They want to ensure the Clans don’t one day die.”

“Completely understandable,” I tell Aria, wanting to change the subject. The pressure of my impending union with Philippe is slowly starting to eat at me. So much so that I haven’t spoken to Philippe or asked how his mother has been doing.

I’ve been so afraid to call him to be honest. I think I know why, though. It’s because we’re starting to get along and the potential of being happy with him is so close, yet so far away. I’m just left here wondering how I’m going to screw it up, because at the end of the day I always do something.

“Aria, can you excuse me for a minute? I need to make a call.” I say, handing Sorina back over to her. She’s getting so big these days, running around like a loon.

“Sure.” Aria replies, and I get off her couch and go out her back door onto her and Sal’s lovely deck.

I call Philippe and he doesn’t answer, which makes me feel a bit odd, but he calls me back immediately. “Hey, I’m sorry. I was in the elevator and service went out as I answered.”

“It’s okay. I just wanted to call and check in on you because . . .” My thoughts slip from my mind and I can’t find the words.

“I miss you too, Carla.” Philippe whispers, and it’s almost like I can see the slight smile he makes when he stares at me from across the room.
