Page 26 of Ruthless

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“So, you fucking got drunk and knocked up your secretary?” I ask him for clarity. At first, his face goes red, and he looks furious at the way I have said it, but the color dissipates just as fast and is replaced with a blank slate. He knows he fucked up at least, but I don’t know where that leaves us. I have no idea how we are going to progress after this.

“Yes,” is all he says.

I just nod and stand up, walking towards the exit without another word. I don’t have anything I can say to this right now. I am hurt, but it gives him too much power to let him know that. And I have to stay with him if I want my freedom, So, what the fuck choice do I have but to suck it up and deal?

Though, I will be dealing with it my own way. He is going to regret having acted this way.


I should have been enjoying the sights of the new city as we took the car to his home, but instead, I kept seeing in my head all the ways I could punish him and Luna for their indiscretions. I have no doubt in my mind she has done this on purpose. She is not innocent in this, and I will make that known the first time she shows her face to me.

We walk into his house, and I have to admit it has a charm to it. It has that old world feel but is gorgeously decorated. It smells of apple and cinnamon.

But I can’t enjoy it for long as we enter the living room, and there the bitch is, waiting for us. I swear I can even see the beginnings of a bump in her stomach, and I am fucking livid. If I wasn’t seeing red before, I am now.

I go straight for her, dropping my carryon and not thinking of anyone or anything else in the goddamn room.

She doesn’t see me coming until it is too late, and everyone else is too stunned to make a move against me as I pick that little whore up by her neck and hold her against the wall. I am right in her face so she can smell my rank airplane breath and feel what it’s like to be this close to death by me.

“I want you to fucking know that the only reason you are still alive is because you have a child growing inside you, and I am no baby killer. But as soon as that child is out of your womb, I am going to hunt you down wherever you fucking go and kill you with my bare hands.”

I smile as I see she looks terrified, finally realizing who she has fucked around with.

“Carla!” Philippe barks at me, and I answer him with a growl like a rabid dog before I lower Luna to the ground as slowly as possible. She begins to cough and holds her throat dramatically, but she does the right thing by seeing herself out without a word. So, I turn my attention to him, my hands crossed over my chest.

“Why the hell are you surprised or upset by my actions? You knew what this would do to us, to our reputation, to our engagement. You fucking knew, you asshole!” I pick up a half drank glass of whiskey and throw it at him, splashing it all over his nice shirt. I know how he hates to see his designer clothes ruined.

“You need to calm the fuck down,” he tells me, his lips pursed.

I lean my head back and cackle like a schizophrenic witch. Has he lost his ever-loving mind? “Calm down?” I ask him. “Why should I calm the fuck down, Philippe? You ruined what little bit of something we had here in one drunken night. You have such a problem with me being a slut, and yet you’ve been fucking your secretary?” I jab at him, advancing on him. I see something flash in his eyes, but he doesn’t back off as I get close to him, my words spitting into his face. “At least I have the decency not to get myself pregnant!”

“I told you I was drunk. I don’t even remember any of it. I never would have chosen to do this sober,” he defends, his tone even lower as he tries to chill me out. It only makes me angrier.

“That’s no fucking excuse.”

I stomp, my heels clicking against the tiles as I go to the kitchen and find his stash of alcohol, grabbing anything and everything I can find. If I am going to have to be around him, planning a wedding while he is the father of someone else’s child who is also going to wave her baby bump in my face, I won’t be doing it sober.
