Page 31 of Ruthless

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Chapter 23


Nicola's hands are over my eyes as Phoebe has my hand, leading me to the private room inside the hotel where we will be having my bachelorette party tonight. It’s crazy to think that I am going to be a bride tomorrow and a German citizen at that. Growing up, I never saw myself as the marrying type. I have always been too aggressive and too free with my body, but now that Philippe and I have connected in a new way and he understands me, it makes sense for us to ally with each other in matrimony.

And maybe that’s what makes this a little less scary than before as well, that it feels like allies are coming together for a common cause. Does that mean I don’t care for him as more than that? No, but marriage and love don’t always equate with each other, especially in my world, even if Philippe was determined to make it happen. I say he got lucky we worked out the way that we did because 99 out of 100 times forcing love from an arranged marriage isn’t going to happen. The only reason my brother and his wife work is because Sal had goo goo eyes for Aria for years before he finally got her father to agree to sign the papers for her to marry him. So, there was nothing to force. He was kind to her, and she fell for it instantly.

"And here we are," Nicola says, uncovering my eyes so I can see there are two more women waiting for me in a room decorated in such a cliché way I have to laugh. All the streamers and confetti and other things are purple instead of pink, to represent my power color, but the room is filled with dicks in all shapes and sizes as well as two life-size cut-outs; one of a man and one of a woman, missing important parts.

"Really, is that for pin the wang on the asshole? I ask, but it is funny. And I do appreciate them doing this for me. It's only the five of us; myself, Phoebe, Nicola, Aria, and Isabella, but I am grateful to get this at all. I am kind of a bitch and have very few girlfriends to count on, and even if this marriage is arranged I would like to experience those things I will likely only get to do once in my life like this party.

I get a hug from each woman, but Isabella opts for a kiss on each cheek instead. She is the youngest of us and is also kind of an outsider with the Clans like me. Her father is an accountant for one of the Clans...Aria's to be specific, and so she has grown up around it all without being a direct part of it. Though, I suspect her father is still going to be finding her a Romanian man to marry soon. This could easily be her bachelorette party we're having next.

Though, I have heard more than one rumor about her that could make things quite interesting in the near future. Especially the one where she is in love with Aria’s brother.

I smile at the thought and then sit down with the rest of them, a drink instantly served to me complete with a penis straw. "You know this is ridiculous?" I ask them, trying to keep a straight face as Phoebe grabs one herself and sucks it down with a devious grin even though she hates dick.

"But you love it," Nicola chides, and she's right. This is great. Especially knowing that Philippe is not too far away and that we are an hour away from Luna right now.

I insisted on it. Maybe that makes me selfish or a jealous bitch, and that’s okay with me. I wanted us to be in the same hotel, and I wanted it to be far enough away from Luna that I could focus on what tonight is about instead of worrying once again she will make some crazy move for my man.

I almost choke on my drink because of my thought on that. I didn’t think I would become that possessive woman, especially considering my like for threesomes, but I just can’t see sharing him for real. The occasional third to spice things up like we agreed is totally okay, but I don’t think either of us will be okay with the other playing solo with another person again, no matter how either of us lived before we were together. I can only see myself with him.

I don’t know if that qualifies as being in love yet. I have yet to say those exact words to him, but I guess for me, they just might.

I notice the set up for karaoke, and after a little liquid courage, I know that it’s on, “So, who’s going to be my G-Easy?” I ask, and I am sure that narrows it down to a handful of songs to them. As I suspected, Phoebe comes up, promoted by Nicola, the only one of us who could even remotely rap.

The sultry song starts, and I snap my fingers as I croon, “You don’t own me, you don’t own me…”

Phoebe comes in strong, and the girls go wild for her. “But I’m Gerald and I can always have just what I want. She’s the baddest I would love to flaunt.” We get into it, grinding on each other and gyrating our hips, and Phoebe is really into the beat and the bad boy mentality. It is so much damn fun.

The evening consists of a lot of laughs, a lot of joke gifts, and even some pole dancing courteous of one of those gifts that we were able to put up in the room and take back down with ease.

Now, Nicola has had a bit much to drink and is really going for it. She paid her way through college by becoming a stripper, and she is hot as hell doing it too. Aria has already left since she has a little girl to tend to, and Isabella is practically passed out. I know that if I am going to do what I have been thinking about most of the night, now is the time.

I pretend to have to pee, but once I am out of the room, I turn the other way and make a run for the elevator.

Once inside and alone, I give the camera a flash of my thong as I hike up my skirt and pull out the key card to Philippe's hotel room, something I took from him without his knowledge when we arrived. I had it tucked into the band of my thong this whole time in case I got a chance to sneak away. I know I won’t be seeing him tomorrow, and I also know there is no need to worry about this waiting til our wedding night bullshit.

Hoping to find him alone in his room and having turned in earlier than these ladies, I slide the card in without knocking and find the light on.

There are only two men in the room; Philippe and my brother, Sal. I roll my eyes when I see him, placing my back against the wall. This is a little awkward even for me, but it’s not like Sal is dumb enough to think I am a virgin. He knows me better than the rest of my family.

"Shouldn’t you be back with your kid and wife?" I ask him, though I am smiling, teasing him. "Aria left a while ago."

"Shouldn’t you be getting your rest for tomorrow, sister?" he asks me. "I thought there was some rule about seeing each other before the wedding like this."

"It’s not the wedding day yet, and I am not in my dress. Besides, there is nothing normal about this anyway," I scoff.

He nods his head in understanding and sighs. "Good luck tomorrow," he tells Philippe before passing close by me on the way out. "Do you still want to go through with this?" he asks, and I feel a pang of guilt for not giving my brother more credit here. He is giving me an out even now.

"Yes," I whisper, and he leaves without another word, leaving me to lock and bolt the door behind him before turning a mischievous grin to my fiancé.

"I should have realized when my spare key card went missing it was because of you," Philippe comments as I slink over to him, my dress already coming off in a heap at my feet. I stand there with nothing but a thong and a pair of heels on in front of him as he sits on the bed, admiring me. He looks as if he is trying to pretend he is not affected, but I know better by now. He loves my body, and it gives me the confidence boost I have needed after the whole debacle with Luna who will hopefully be nothing but a distant memory in a few months.

"Nah, a surprise is much better, even if it makes you look dumb," I tell him, my fingers trailing over my body as I bite my lip. I don’t truly know if the guys had a stripper or not, and I don’t want to know. But my future husband is going to get a show either way.

My fingers slide down to my navel and then slow down, creeping ever so slightly downward until they reach my folds. I pause, just resting my hand on myself as I look into his eyes. I see the lust there, but he makes no move to come towards me. He is either enjoying the show too much to top me right now, or he is unphased. Though I doubt it's the latter.

I use my pointer finger to find my clit, moaning softly as I make small circles around it, exaggerating each movement and sensation for him as I use my other hand to tweak at each of my pert nipples. I want him to think of everything he is missing by not touching me right now, and if he makes a move, I have yet to decide if I am going to allow him to touch me. I might just finish myself and make him wait and suffer.

I feel myself getting wetter, so I snake two fingers down to my entrance and spread my legs a little before diving in delicately and feeling around inside for what sparks my nerve endings. I let out a full-on moan, my breathing picking up as I pump my finger in and out. I close my eyes and throw my head back, my right hand cupping my breast and massaging it. I am so into the act that I don't realize when he has gotten up or the fact that he has dropped his pants.

I find myself being bent over the edge of the bed, and I decide to let it go, smiling at the prospect of being taken like this the night before our wedding. He pulls my hips up as I hold myself up by my elbows, and then he plunges in. No foreplay, no trying to be gentle like he usually does. And this is how I love it.
