Page 32 of Ruthless

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Chapter 24


I look at myself in the mirror, thinking I am ready to perfection and then catch a clump of pink lipstick in the corner of my mouth. I open my mouth and pick at it with my matching manicured pinky nail in frustration. Nothing can be out of place today because today is an important day. The most important day.

Today is the day I get rid of that Carla bitch for good so that Philippe and I can finally go off into the sunset along with our baby I carry in my womb right now. I know it is what he wants, and he is just too afraid to admit it because of what this marriage means to his parents and the whole of the Clans.

He thinks I don’t understand how any of this shit works because I am only a secretary. Or, I was. But I am still on duty for today even if I haven’t seen much of him since that crazy controlling whore put me against the wall in a chokehold because I am integral to making sure his wedding goes off without a hitch.

And in that, I mean to make sure he doesn’t get hitched today. At least not to Carla. But I wouldn’t be opposed to him running off with me to elope. His family would come around eventually once they realized I was carrying the next Clan heir. Plus, the fact that I am a legitimate Romanian girl and Carla isn’t. I am better for him anyway. I can’t wait to finally reveal my real name to him, I think Philippe will be even happier than he already would be with me knowing that my family used to be part of the Clans, and so I can give him the respectable union he wants. And my Daddy will see his name restored before he kicks the bucket.

Most of all, fuckin' Greta will be off my back and let me live happily ever after with my prince charming. She's just a sad, angry bitch who doesn’t get it, and that’s okay. That’s why she does the dirty work. All I have to do is make sure that the love of my life never makes it to that church today. All the problems will be solved by morning.

I turn to the side in my black and red dress, my hand sliding over the product of my love for Philippe and smile. I didn’t expect to be so obviously showing so soon, but that’s okay. It means I didn’t have to prove anything to Philippe. the proof is right under my shirt, and he is welcome to double-check anytime he likes.

I giggle at the joke I make in my head before slipping on my low heels just as a knock comes at the door. I don’t like that this place is so far from Philippe now, but it means a lot to me that it is so nice. I even have the nursery half set up already, though I can’t wait to get some opinions from Philippe on it. I am sure he will be here soon enough after all. Maybe this can be our hideout while he is trying to figure out how to get his family on board with our little family arrangement. I like that idea.

I swing the door open to see a familiar man standing at the, more like looming. Florin looks down at me, and a chill runs up my spine thinking about the night I had to give myself to him in a way in order to make sure I got what I wanted. It turned out to be almost useless too. I am so glad now that I have Philippe's child inside of me so he can’t touch me so much as look at me anymore. Philippe would have his head on a platter, I am sure of it. And it wouldn’t be the first time he had someone killed for messing around with someone he cares about it. He can be downright deadly, as he should be as a mafia prince.

"Of course, it would be you to come and fetch me," I spit out at Florin. "I need to grab my purse." I reach for my clutch and go to walk out the door, but Florin blocks my way with his hulking form. "What the fuck is this about? We don’t have time for this. Philippe has places to be."

"You sure you're not going to try and interfere with that place he needs to be?" Florin asks, and I hiss at him in annoyance. As soon as I become Philippe's wife, he will be the first staff member to go. I don’t care what I have to do, I am not dealing with him every day of my damn perfect life. "You need to stop messing with Philippe," he says after I say nothing else but try to just get around him.

"You know it’s none of your fucking business," I tell him, staring him down until he remembers what I gave him to keep his mouth shut and help me out. Maybe he didn’t realize how far this would go, but what does he care who Philippe ends up with? Pssh, it wouldn’t surprise me if that whore is fucking him on the side or something. maybe that’s it.

"It is my business when I don’t think that baby is his." he points to my rounded abdomen, and my eyes go wide at the suggestion I would be with anyone else. Here was a reason I only offered him the one hole. I had saved myself to be pure for Philippe so I could be a Sala and feel good about it. Much better about it than that Carla bitch.

"It isn’t possible to be someone else's. Don’t you remember?"

"Oh, I do. I fucked you in the ass and choked you until you went all loose on me. I didn’t realize you'd passed out until; I was already halfway done in your cunt. that baby could very well be mine," he gruffs out. My hand flies to my belly protectively. Is he lying?

I shake my head. It doesn’t seem like he is, but it doesn’t fucking matter now. He is not ruining this for me. I have the perfect plan, and he is not going to fuck with it. "you know how this is going to look if you come out with this, right? It's going to look like you raped Philippe's future wife. Not to mention I am carrying his child as far as he is concerned and could tell him any old thing and he would believe me. If you want to keep that head of yours on that gigantic body, I suggest you shut the fuck up and help me with what I am doing or at least get out of the way."

He shakes his head. "I can’t be a part of this."

"Then don't."

He moves out of my way and disappears down the road where he must have parked. He wasn’t here to collect me at all. The SUV that truly is here for me pulls up shortly after, and I am waiting for it. Philippe is already inside, and my heart leaps as I see him. And I swear I can feel the baby move at the sight of him too. Not too much longer now, and we will truly be a family.

I direct the SUV like an expert where to go to pick up everything that is needed; the tux, the flowers, and I begin making calls to make sure that his family and friends are all where they should be. It had to look like this is real. And truly, it all is, all of it except the part where Philippe will be involved.

Finally, that’s when my phone rings. It's Greta aka Galina, but Greta is the name that matters to Philippe. As far as he knows she is a crazy bitch selling drugs in his streets. And she is about to make this whole plan come together for both of us.

"No, no, this is not the time. But it’s his wedding day..." I pretend to be distressed, looking between my lap and Philippe in distress. "I'll tell him. Thank you so much."

I turn to him with a frown. "What is it?" he asks.

"But it’s your wedding day. I’m sure it can wait."

"No, I want to know what that phone call was, Luna. Don’t fuck with me."

"It is that crazy drug trafficker, Greta, she has got drugs being sold in town as we speak. One of your men called to tell me since they figured your phone was off for the wedding day."


And just like that, I have him where I want him.
