Page 9 of Ruthless

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Chapter 5


My sister has asked I come out to lunch with her in town. We rarely do this because there’s so much risk associated with the two of us being seen together. You see, neither of us are who we say. The two of us have secrets, and they’re the type you don’t tell another soul.

I reluctantly agreed to meet Galina at a small café on the outskirts of town. I’ve only been here once before and not many people who know me or the man I work for would come here. They wouldn’t want to be seen in a place like this. The café isn’t dirty, horrific or dangerous. Although it is rough around the edges. The owners could use a good tiler to come in and fix the backsplash behind the counter. The tiles are chipped in a few places, and a couple have fallen off the walls, giving the place a rough around the edges kind of look. It doesn’t bother me any because it guarantees I’ll be safe meeting my sister here.

It’s so hard being in the same city as her, but not being able to be together in public. If Philippe knew who she was, he’d be asking me tons of questions. Better yet, if he knew who I really am . . . he’d be asking so many more. It’s why I lie to him day after day. Not only to protect myself, but protect the love we have for one another. He gives my life purpose and is the air to my lungs so to speak.

I orderVargabéles which is my favorite desert. It’s Hungarian but in Germany you can find it in the traditional restaurants. Vargabéles is something you’d see your mother making for a family dinner. It’s a baked noodle with sweet cheese and fruit oozing out the top and sides. I prefer it served warm so I asked the cashier to warm it up for me while I waited for my vanilla coffee. They had three options: raspberry, lemon and blueberry. Raspberry is my favorite and will pair with the coffee well, so I ordered that option.

The cashier hands me my coffee and I make my way over to a table with two chairs. It sits right in front of the window so we can get a good view of the fields down the street. When I said this place was on the edge of town, I meant it. Located as far east as we could go, but before we reach the country. Sometimes I argue with Galina about having to go so far, but when we meet at places such as this . . . I’m okay with it.

I take a seat on the chair, open up my crossbody purse and pull out the small burner phone my sister and I use to communicate with one another. For some reason I swore she said she’d be right on time, but as I flip open my phone I can see a new text from her stating she’d be a couple minutes late. We’d be stupid to chat on my work phone. Out of anyone, we know how the Clans plant bugs into their members phones to keep tabs on what they’re discussing.

I take a sip of my coffee and the vanilla is overpowering. It feels like a bomb of flavor went off in my mouth. I detest lattes, or any coffee with creamer so I take my coffee black with a shot of the flavored syrup.

I spot Galina coming my way from the fur vest she has over her long sleeve shirt, paired with jeans and fashionable boots. Most days I have to stick to a completely business professional wardrobe so to say I’m envious right now is an understatement.

She tugs open the gold door and comes inside, sees me and comes over. “I’ll order my food and be over in a couple minutes,”

I put my personal phone back in my purse and double check to make sure my work phone is turned off. Whenever we meet the two of us follow the same security process.

I glance over to my sister who’s now coming up to me. She has some sort of large latte in her hand. From the looks of it, Galina’s black roots are coming in fast from the last time she had her hair dyed. On some women it looks trashy, but it never has for her. If anything, she demands even more power when her darkness starts to physically show.

“What did you get to eat?” I ask, wondering if she got something sweet or bitter.

Galina smiles widely, “Papana?i of course.”

I nod once, bringing my cup of coffee to my lips and take a sip. The cashier comes over with my dessert and a fork. He smiles at me for a few moments as he sets it down on the table in front of me and asks if I need anything else, but I tell him I don’t.

I pick up my fork and dig into the Vargabéles, savoring the sweet and creamy taste. “Oh how you are a creature of habit, sister.” Galina teases.

“I could say the same about you.”

“Oh, Ivana.” She chuckles. Still like every time she says my real name my eyes go wide at the same second my heart starts to palpitate. I will never feel safe being in Romania and being called IvanaBadescuever again. I’ve never asked Galina if she feels comfortable being called by her real name, however I don’t say it here. Only when we’re back in the Czech Republic do I feel safe enough. When we’re in Romania I only call her sister, or Greta, which is the street name she’s known by. “You must loosen up, sister. No one is going to shoot you for having such a common name.” As always, it’s like she’s reading my thoughts.

“I don’t understand how you fail to get anxious.” I say in between eating and sipping coffee. She sits down in front of me and gives me an annoyed expression.

“Because at the end of the day I know I’m not the one who should be afraid. As should you. Speaking of being afraid, I had the perfect opportunity to slit your precious Philippe’s neck the other night when I was posing as a bartender. He’s a man who loves alcohol. Why didn’t you tell me this, sister?”

The mere thought of Galina harming Philippe sends terror rampant through my veins. I can’t imagine a life without him. His absence would make my life worthless . . . meaningless. I’d be nothing but an empty void. “Philippe is off limits. We’ve already discussed this.” I keep my tone low so no one hears us. In Germany everyone knows who really runs things —the Romanians.

Galina tosses her head back and giggles. The cashier brings over her food and while he does we both remain quiet, waiting for privacy before we continue our conversation. “Why won’t you let me have a bit of fun? He can’t meanthatmuch to you.”

“He does,” I state, making myself very clear.

“Ugh, fine. But we will move forward with my plan.” Galina says while she digs her fork into her dessert.

“What plan?” I inquire. She hasn’t told me about anything in the last few weeks. In fact, she told me she’d have to put some serious thought in and discuss it with our father before speaking to me. To you know, make sure she wasn’t missing any details.

“He’s marrying a catholic woman which means their wedding will take place in a catholic church. There’s only a few of those here in the city, and I’m sure you’ll know before anyone else which one it is.”

“What are you thinking?”

“You mean what did our father suggest,” Galina laughs, cocking her brow. “Well, we’re going to make it a day no one will ever forget. Fire will incinerate every square foot of the church and with it, every Clan member will die in the process.”

“Except Philippe,” I hiss out, standing my ground.

“Why is this man so special to you? Did you forget what he did to our family?”

“Hedidn’t do anything.”

Galina shakes her head, obviously upset with how much I want to keep Philippe safe. “It’s on you to make sure he isn’t there the day of. That is the only way you’ll keep your precious man safe, Ivana.”

My sister is drawing a line in the sand and even with her threats I’ll make sure to do what is needed. I won’t let anything happen to Philippe. The two of us are destined to be with each other. Even if he doesn’t realize it yet.
