Page 30 of Covert

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Two months have flashed before my very eyes. It’s crazy how when things are normal and you’re happy, time seems to fly by even quicker than you realize. Or maybe that’s just life in general. Hell if I know. Things always seemed to go so slow for me in the past. It could just be from the fact I wasn’t really happy. I was simply surviving. I’ve never admitted this to anyone before but I knew something was missing in my life. Seeing so many of the other head Clan members had their wives and were happy as hell. In a sense I felt jipped by not being married. What I didn’t realize until now is that even if I was married I wouldn’t be satisfied. I’d feel stuck in a marriage I never wanted. Therefore I choose to look at things in the way that everything happened for a reason. ‘Cause if it didn’t I never would’ve married Isabella.

Shit, I still chuckle knowing the crush she had on me when we were kids. If I only knew back then what I know now.

“Have you heard the new rumor?” Stefan asks from beside me at the poker table.

While I’m not this guy’s best friend . . . I do appreciate everything he did for Isabella. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a total tool and not many people like him, but Stefan will never change. He stays authentic to his shitty attitude. That key fact is what deems him to deserve respect from me, though. He and his family are here in Los Angeles on business with his wife’s oil company and he reached out to me, suggesting the women go have a day on Rodeo Drive while we have a relaxing day smoking cigars and playing poker.

I wanted to tell him it was a bad idea, but I’ve been a tad bit stressed so I accepted.

“What rumor?” I inquire. Stefan always knows something before anyone else. He and his little birds so to speak are everywhere, always watching. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least bit if he has someone watching every clan member, even Mariana and Ion. Fuck, now that I’m thinking further into it. I wouldn’t put it past him.

Stefan picks up his glass of brandy and chuckles lowly, taking a hefty sip before he responds. “Rumor has it I’m no longer the black sheep of the clans anymore. Apparently, one of our head Clan members is infatuated with a prostitute.”

I cough, this information striking me to my core. As Clansmen we’re not permitted to be actively chasing after women such as this. Shit, thinking back I remember the hellfire Willow had to go through just to marry Duncan. “Is this a joke?” I know it isn’t. Stefan Dalca doesn’t joke with anyone.

“No, Marcellus. I’m afraid not.”

“Who is it?”

Stefan gives me a look, cocking a brow. “Let’s think about this. Who is one of the only single clansmen left?”

“Davide Lupei and Mikel Lungu if I’m not mistaken.” Davide oversees our operation in Italy while Mikel handles Africa.

“Correct. Think about who the dog is out of the two.”

“Davide. He’s always been one who’s eyes never venture far from any woman. I’m more surprised he’s found one to focus on.”

Stefan nods, “Yes, my sources tell me he’s paid to be with her numerous times. I have a feeling this is only the beginning.”

“Do Mariana and Ion know?” I question. If they did, surely they’d shoot it down.

“No, not yet.” The way Stefan responds tells me he’s got something massive planned. But of course, he is the Clans own personal shit stirrer. Oh well, I’m going to stay in my lane and not worry about the others. The only thing I should be focusing on is putting a baby in my wife’s belly.
