Page 78 of Madness

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I sprinted, sliding through the thick, sticky puddles, leaving behind dark crimson footsteps in my wake. Nothing could make me move any faster. Not my fear, not the impending sense of doom, not my regret, and not the foundation of love I had for my parents. I was moving as fast as I could.

The cuffs crashed loudly against my parents’ open wooden door and I threw myself into the room. Bile rose in my throat as I took in the scene, as the gore met my eyes. My knees threatened to buckle underneath me. Guards rushed down the hall, I could hear their echo approaching, but it was too late.

My mother’s face was frozen in shock. Her nightgown was stained red, her outstretched arm still covered with ice. The witch had surprised her. She left my mother’s body sprawled out on the bed like a tattered ragdoll.

My father fought her now, but every punch he threw, she blocked. When his eyes flickered up to me he paused. It was a deadly mistake. The witch darted into his personal space. Her body was covered in the gore she had collected along the way, and my father’s blood only added to it as she sunk her teeth into him.

His bellow tore through his clenched teeth. He didn’t bother to push her away. Through the pain evident in his tense, twisted features, he lifted his hands, pointing at the chains I held. My name was noiselessly mouthed.

I didn’t have time to think about the last thing my parents had ever said to me. Mourning would have to wait.

With a grunt of effort, I threw the chains into his waiting grasp. With one hand, he pulled the witch off of him, skin tore away following her mouth. The metal clicked into place, and ice was already spiking out of my palm. The effort to control myself only made the room spin more.

Dark spots in my vision blurred into large black flowers that expanded over my view. My legs stumbled forward, my arms outstretched for anything to catch me. The thud of a body, then another, was the last thing I heard before I collapsed.

Thoughts no longer connected in tangible sentences inside my head. My eyelashes fluttered against my cheekbones. My gaze pointed ahead, and through the darkness, my father's lifeless eyes stared back at mine.

What had I done?
