Page 123 of Meet Again

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“With all due respect, Mrs. Remington.” Lex moves and stands next to me, her chin lifted. “I’ve never wanted to get in the way of Hudson and his family. Quite the opposite. Many times I told him to express how he felt so that you could be a family. Time and again, you’ve proven you care more about your appearances than him, and it saddens me because I know how special it is to have loving and supportive parents.” I squeeze Lex’s hand, and she glances at me.

“Hudson is a hardworking man. He’s kind and loyal, which is why he went to work for you in the first place, but soon you’ll realize that not everything in life is money and social class. You’re right. I’m not rich, nor do I have the connections you may have, but I love him with every ounce of my being. That, to me, is more important because I’ll support any decision he makes, even if it means sacrificing our relationship. His happiness matters to me.”

I release her hand and wrap my arm around her shoulder, kissing the top of her head. Gratitude and awe fill me for the woman by my side. I look at my parents’ serious expressions and frown.

“I hope one day you’ll realize that all I ever wanted was to have loving parents present in my life. I hope you one day accept my choices and Tristan’s. More so, I hope you accept the woman I love because, despite everything, family is important to me.”

With that, I walk around them and head to the deli.

“Are you okay?” Lex whispers.

“Yeah, more than okay.”

“They’ll come around. I could tell.” She smiles at me.

“Maybe, maybe not, but I’ve got you, and that’s all I need.” I kiss her temple and thank the Lord he brought her back into my life. Lex is the woman who’s always owned my heart, despite distance, time, and space. It’s her. It’s always been her. She’s my family.
