Page 161 of Blowback

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LIAM GREY STEPS into the farmhouse, locks the door behind him, and checks the time. About thirteen unlucky minutes left.

Lin and Benjamin are staring at him. He says, “Benjamin, you up for a walk?”

Confused, Benjamin says, “Depends how lengthy.”

He quickly strides past them both, heading to the small bathroom. “Long enough to get you and Lin out of here before the shooting starts.”

Lin says, “What did Han have to say?”

“Nothing good,” Liam says. “He wants you, and he’s coming to get you in just over ten minutes. He also offered Benjamin and me asylum, and I hope you don’t mind, Benjamin, I declined.”

In the small bathroom, it’s crowded. Liam kneels down, looks behind the toilet with its pipes, brings out a plunger. There’s a porcelain sink and a stand-up shower, and two wooden shelves with folded and dusty yellow towels.

Lin says, “I’m staying here to help. I don’t want to see Benjamin hurt.”

“Gee, thanks,” Liam says, tearing off the rubber end of the plunger. “But you’re staying with Benjamin, and both of you are getting out of here.”

At the end of the wooden stick is a small metal hook. Liam goes to the shower, pulls aside the mildewy curtain.

“And once you get out of here, Lin, you try your guy at Walter Reed, make sure he got your message.” Liam gives his cell phone to Benjamin. “And you, pal, call the station chief, anybody at the station, or even the ambassador to rescue you and your girlfriend.”

Checks his watch.

Ten minutes left.

He takes the plunger stick and metal hook, fastens the hook in the shower drain. He gives it a good tug and the floor of the shower comes out, revealing a wooden ladder going into the darkness. He reaches down, feels around, and throws a switch. Small lightbulbs flip on, illuminating smooth concrete.

Liam says, “Escape tunnel. Goes out a couple of hundred yards, emerges at a dry streambed. Go quick but be careful. Lord knows what snakes or scorpions have taken up residence there.”

“But what about you?” Benjamin asks, face drawn, holding hands with Lin.

“Me? I’m going to play Beau Geste. I’m going to take your weapons and keep up the shooting from every possible window, door, or opening.”


“Jesus, stop wasting time, all right? Look, Han told me that President Barrett is on his way to launch a cyberattack on China. You’re both smart enough to realize what’s going to happen … and when the computers are all fried and the cities empty out, they’ll kick it up to traditional weapons. You’ve got to get out, and you’ve got to make sure the information about the vice president gets to the right people. The president needs to be stopped. Move.”

Benjamin offers a hand. He gives it a brisk shake, and then helps him down the ladder. Lin follows, offers a hand, and he gives it a good shake as well.

“Take care of each other,” he says. “And if this is still somekind of honey trap or intelligence op, my ghost will come back to haunt you.”

Her eyes moisten, and there’s a quick kiss to his cheek. “No trap. Just Benjamin and me. That’s all.”

“Good. Now get the hell out.”

He waits until he can’t see the top of her head anymore, replaces the shower bottom, tosses the plunger and hook behind the toilet.

Goes to the kitchen. Peers out the window.

Nothing yet.

He moves quickly, setting up an M4 with three spare magazines on the table.

Heads to the supply closet, retrieves more gear, and checks the time.

Two minutes.
