Page 179 of Blowback

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Liam says, “Same here.”

Hannah says, “Kay Darcy from theWashington Postis being released from the hospital today. I’m sure both of you will be happy to hear that.”

Nods from her two officers.

Hannah says, “I still don’t know how—from her hospital room—shebecame the first reporter to break news that Keegan Barrett had resigned. Almost like someone had tipped her off.”

Liam says, “Don’t blame me. I was buried under a South African farmhouse.”

Noa says, “Someone fulfilling a promise, I suppose.”

Hannah smiles. “I suppose.” She takes a breath. “Just so you know, Benjamin Lucas and Chin Lin are still safe in an undisclosed location, with new identifications and legends.”

Noa says, “Does he know that Keegan Barrett is his father?” Hannah shakes her head. “He won’t learn that from me. Or either of you. There are a lot more important things going on, like the Department of Defense revising their procedures on how future presidents can order a cyberattack. On this side of the Potomac, I’ve been working—when she’s up for it—with President Hernandez and select members of Congress to make changes to the CIA’s charter. The time for it being a private army for the president is over. Now, how about you two?”

Liam says, “You’ll have my resignation today.”

Noa says, “Mine as well.”

“No,” Hannah says. “Don’t even consider it. Going forward, the Agency is going to need leaders like you—who’ve been through the fire—to be in a position to make sure what happened here never happens again. I’m ordering you not to resign. Understood?”

Liam, “Yes, Madam Director.”

Noa, “Yes, Madam Director.”

Hannah stands up. “Good. I’ll also make sure your respective teams are left alone. Now, let’s get moving. We don’t want to be late.”

Liam asks, “Late for what?”

She says, “Your comrade in arms, Boyd Morris. He’s getting his Memorial Star dedicated in the lobby. At least that’s something that can be easily made right.”

They both get up from their chairs. She says, “Once I’m convincedthat this whole affair is buried where it will never be discovered by future directors or historians, and that both of you will be safe, then I’ll have one more thing to do.”

“What’s that, Director?” Liam asks.

Hannah says, “Isn’t it obvious? I need to leave, so you two and the Agency can have a fresh start.”

Shocked, Noa says, “You’re resigning?”

“At the right time, yes,” she says, smiling. “I’ve already done enough here, don’t you think?”


FOR THE PAST two weeks, Benjamin Lucas has made it a point never to let Chin Lin leave his sight, and except for a medical visit or two, he’s been successful. Now they’re sitting on a wide farmer’s porch at a home on the shore of a nearly deserted lake near the million-plus-acre Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota.

The two of them have spent their time here checking out the three small towns, turning on the utilities, and getting used to their new lives and new names.

But here, in this remote house, it will always be Benjamin and Lin.

Lin looks out over the waters and says, “So quiet. So empty.”

“Is that okay?”

Lin squeezes his hand. “It’s perfect. I’ve grown up in cities, have gone to school in cities, and have worked in cities. I will enjoy years of peace and quiet with you, Benjamin.”

“Me, too. But your parents?”

A sigh. “My mother will soon pass. And Father … he’s already gone to me, Benjamin.”
