Page 46 of Blowback

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Ferris speaks up, “Enough. We’ve already gone through that. But Liam, Mike is right. We need more guys, and we need better orders. When do you think we’ll be getting Benjamin Lucas back?”

“Whenever he wraps up whatever he’s doing in Africa.”

There’s a slight jolt of turbulence and Tommy Pulaski is awake. He yawns and says, “What am I missing?”

Mike says, “Talking about when Ben Lucas comes back from his African safari.”

Tommy yawns. “He can stay there for another year or two, that’d work for me.”

Liam is surprised. “Tommy, I didn’t know you had a problem with Ben. He’s a damn good operator. What’s your problem?”

Another yawn from Tommy. “Yeah, I agree, he’s a good operator. Did a good job in Saint Petersburg, did a good job in Venezuela. And we could have used him back in Paris. Maybe Boyd would have made it. But he’s too good.”

Ferris says, “Man, you’re not making any sense.”

“He’s too good, too lucky,” Tommy says. “I’ve talked to him a lot, about his career, and you know what I found out? He’s never been turned down, for anything. Additional training, transfers to foreign stations, lots of action in the Directorate of Operations, and then to Special Activities and then to us. Every request he’s made for advancement has been approved. Liam, why did you pick him?”

“His experience and recommendations from his fellow operators.”

“But didn’t you see it?” Tommy asks. “Our guy Ben’s never been turned down, never been rejected, or faced career disappointment. Nobody’s that lucky.”

Mike says, “He’s got a rabbi.”

Tommy nods. “Just like the NYPD. Ben’s got a rabbi somewhere in the Agency, someone looking out for him, greasing the skids and making sure he climbs that career ladder. So here’s my question, Liam.”

Liam says, “Let me guess. Did Ben Lucas’s rabbi pull him from the Paris job and send him to Africa to keep him safe, knowing how dangerous Paris was going to be?”

Tommy says, “Yeah, that’s what I’ve been thinking.”

Ferris says, “That’s a hell of an accusation, Tommy. Pretty out there, pretty conspiracy-minded.”

Liam stays quiet. Mike empties his Heineken.

Mike says, “Out there and conspiracies are what we do, gents, every damn day of the week. But I’ll tell you this, Liam, we need to have an end game. I’m sorry for Boyd and I love what I do, but we need more team members, and a guarantee from POTUS that he has a plan to declare victory at some point. I don’t want my wife and kids thinking I died in a training accident.”

Ferris says, “Nor I.”

“Same here,” Tommy says.

Liam says, “Guys, I’ll make it happen.”

And as they arrive to the East Coast of the United States, Liam is still thinking how to make it happen indeed.


WITH THE FORD pickup truck T-boned by the Impala, the CR-V with Wendy Liu and Phil Cannon pulls right up to the rear of the Impala, blocking it in. Aldo stops the van to the left side of the Impala and he and she jump out, taking protection behind the open doors. Up ahead is the dirt access road that leads to the base’s fence line. There’s the black Lincoln Town Car, but Noa pays it no attention as she and the other members surround the Impala. Wendy and Phil come out of the CR-V, carrying pistols, and up forward, Juan steps out quickly, carrying a cut-down CAR-15 automatic rifle.

Noa yells, “Federal agent, leave the vehicle now, hands up!”

The driver’s-side door snaps open and Aldo yells, “Gun!” and the driver starts shooting, as Noa returns fire, joined by Wendy and Phil.

The shooting lasts only seconds, the side of the Impala pockmarked and the windows shattered, the left rear tire collapsing.

Noa starts advancing, holding her weapon in the approved two-handed stance, Aldo next to her, Wendy and Phil going to the other side of the shot-up Impala.

Juan yells, “Noa! Over here!”

An engine is starting up and the Lincoln Town Car is reversing on the dirt road, the rear wheels spinning up dust and dirt.
