Page 52 of This Is Us

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‘I’ll walk up with you, see you in. I asked them to leave a key for you, so I can show you where to go.’ Emily stood up and offered Stella her hand, pulling her up from the armchair.

Stella looked at Emily. In that moment, she felt like they’d known each other for years. ‘Thank you so much.’ She gently squeezed Emily’s hands.

Emily nodded. ‘It’s been good for me too. Not that I wish any of this had happened to you, of course. But I haven’t talked about him for years and I hate the fact he stopped me living my life for so long. Not any more, though.’ Emily hugged Stella. ‘You must make sure he doesn’t do that to you either.’

They stepped out into the moonlight; it was so bright, it looked like a security light was on. ‘Is it always like this at night?’ Stella asked.

‘It’s a Strawberry Moon,’ said Emily, looking up at the sky. ‘It symbolises new directions.’

Together, they walked towards the castle, the sound of the sea below reaching them like a low whisper.


Stella woke to hear a gentle knocking at the door. She opened her eyes and looked around, waiting for them to adjust to the darkness. The room was large, with an open fireplace at one end, an old antique dresser to one side and a tall, dark wooden wardrobe on the other. To her right was a huge window, thick curtains pulled shut.

Moving slowly, Stella got out of bed and made her way over to the window, pulling at the heavy fabric with both hands and hooking them back with the rope ties on either side. The blue sky was completely clear of clouds. Lush green grass sloped down to a ledge with the sea beyond and the long shadow of the castle lay at an angle across the manicured lawn below.

The knocking started again. ‘Stella, are you awake?’

It was Emily’s voice.

Stella went to the door. Her head ached. She remembered the whisky, wondering quite how much they’d had. It had been going down like water by the time she left. She opened the door to find Emily standing there, dressed in leggings and a hoodie, holding out a bag, head tilted slightly to one side, a now familiar wide smile on her face.

‘What’s this?’ asked Stella.

‘Swimming stuff. I’ve only got a couple of hours until I’m back in the kitchen, so we’ve got to get going.’

Stella rubbed her head. ‘What time is it?’

‘Just gone eight.’

‘You’re kidding.’ Stella looked slightly bewildered. She turned to grab her watch from the side of the bed, squinting at it to read the time. ‘I’ve got to head off soon! I have to get back to London tonight.’

‘As long as I stick you on the ferry by eleven, you’ll be in London by tonight, no problem. You can’t come all this way and not have a swim in the sea. And before you ask, I’ve got breakfast. I snaffled some bacon rolls for us from the kitchen.’

‘Coffee?’ Stella winced, hoping she didn’t sound too high maintenance.

‘Flask in the car. I’m the same.’ Emily grinned. ‘Now, chuck your clothes on. I’ll wait for you downstairs.’

Stella nodded, too bewildered to argue. She closed the door and headed into the bathroom. She held the side of the sink with one hand, splashing her face with cold water with the other. She caught a taste of it in her mouth, crisp and clean. Throwing on her clothes, she headed downstairs.

A woman stood at the bottom of the stairs, immaculately dressed in a tweed suit with a heavy string of pearls around her neck. She smiled kindly at Stella and held out her hand.

‘You must be Stella. I’m Margaret. Emily told me you got here late last night. I do hope you slept well?’

Stella eyed the woman, wondering how much Emily had told her. She smiled back and shook her hand. ‘Lovely to meet you, Margaret. And yes, thank you. It’s so quiet and peaceful here.’ Her mind hadn’t stopped whirring when she’d first got into bed but before long she’d fallen into a deep sleep.

‘Emily said you’re heading to the old castle ruins for a swim in the bathing pool. It’s quite the most beautiful morning for it.’ Margaret’s eyes sparkled as she spoke. ‘And given you’re not staying long, at least you’ll get to see some of the place before you go.’

‘I know, I’m so sorry it’s such a fleeting visit. I’d love to stay longer, but I have to get back to my family.’ She looked around the castle hall, the walls heaving with paintings of landscapes, ancestors, and animals. ‘What an amazing place.’

‘Thank you. Next time, I’ll show you round properly, but for now, someone’s waiting.’ Margaret nodded towards the open front door. Emily stood at the bottom of the stone steps, beckoning Stella. She took Stella’s hand, patting it gently. ‘Off you go, the swim will do you good.’

‘I’m not sure about that, but I don’t think I’ve got a choice.’ Stella laughed. ‘I’ll be back to pick up my bags. And pay the bill, obviously.’

‘It’s done.’ Margaret waved her hand at Stella. ‘I’m happy you had a good night’s sleep. Now, go.’

‘No really, you don’t have to do that.’
