Page 49 of Faking Mr. Right

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“What? No, I– no, I’m not pregnant.”

“Sorry,” she said, patting me on the back. “I was just joking, but the look on your face made me realize it wasn’t funny. I should have kept my mouth shut.”

“It’s okay.” I feigned a smile. “But you know, I think I might run to the bathroom.”

“Do you need any help or anything?”

“Oh no, I’m fine, really, just drank too much lemonade,” I said with a laugh. “I’ll be right back.”

I hurried away from the group, checking behind me to make sure no one was following me. I needed to catch my breath. This was all too much. My heart was racing as I found the nearest tree and hid behind it. I closed my eyes and leaned against it, remembering the fateful night I ran into Levi behind a tree.

I smiled, and part of me hoped he might come hide behind the same tree with me again. Then I remembered we were taking some space from each other, cooling things off.

All while pretending to be engaged, so that was going to be hard.

My stomach turned again.

I pulled out my phone, hopeful for a distraction. I checked my e-mail to see if I had an e-mail from the animal reserve yet.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw an e-mail from the Tanzania Wildlife Reserve titled: “Interview in Los Angeles.”

I opened it and found out that not only did I get chosen to move to the next round, but they had booked my flights and hotel. I’d known this was a possibility; they told me to be prepared. Everything would happen quickly.

And boy, they hadn’t been kidding.

I had a few days to prepare for the next set of interviews and a trip to Los Angeles.

After that, the next step would be even bigger.

A trip to Tanzania for a two-week working interview.

My heart raced and my stomach continued to twist and turn.

Chapter 14


“Man… don’t you think a fake engagement is a bit too far?” Clark’s usual smirk was replaced with a look of concern. He hadn’t attended Summer Fest, but I filled him in on the details as we shared a beer later that evening at my place.

“I mean, yes, I do, but it’s a bit too late now,” I muttered. I shoved my hands in my pockets and stared at the ground.

“This girl, she’s something else. She’s really got her hooks in you.” Clark let out a low whistle as he pulled out a rag and polished a spot on his precious car.

“She doesn’t have her hooks in me.”

“So, you’re still happily a bachelor? When she leaves, you won’t be brokenhearted?”

“I’ll get over it. Whatever happens, I’ll deal with it.”

“So, you’re admitting you have feelings for her.”

“I didn’t say that,” I scoffed.

“You didn’t deny that you will be heartbroken when she leaves.”

I shrugged. “Fine. I like her a lot. She’s the type of woman I could see myself settling down with.”

“Just like Beth. You could see yourself settling down with her too.”
