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Belle couldn’t contain her smile and nodded.

“You are the worst friend in the world! How could you not tell me first thing? You managed to nail down the Bently Evans? Is this a joke? Am I stroking out right now?” Katy exaggerated her eyes as she slapped a hand over her chest.

“Shhh. I don’t want the whole hospital knowing,” Belle scolded.

“Girl, the whole town is gonna be buzzing. One of the most eligible bachelors of Shattered Cove is now off the market. You will be small-town royalty to some, and the most hated by others,” Katy teased.

“Poor Tina.” Belle laughed.

Katy joined her and then sighed. “You two moved awfully fast. Didn’t seem like you thought much of him when we had that girls’ night.”

“Well, we certainly got off on the wrong foot.”

“Mm-hmm. Must be that magic cock that won you over.” Katy smirked as her eyes flashed coyly.

Belle burst out laughing. “You’re terrible . . . but not wrong.”

“I knew it!” Katy giggled.

The head nurse on shift waved them over. “We’ve got incoming. Officer-involved shooting. Five minutes.”

Belle’s smile quickly faded. Her heart lurched. Is it Bently? Would fate be so cruel? Was all of this just the high before the lowest of lows?

No. He’s okay. I would know if something happened. They’d connected more than just physically. She shared her soul with the man.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Katy said, seemingly reading her mind as they rushed to prep.

Belle nodded, a sick feeling twisting in her stomach. This was just part of being with a police officer. She’d have to get used to it. She was going to marry the sheriff for fuck’s sake.

“Ambulance radioed in. Looks like a DOA in the first bus.” The rest of the words were drowned out by ringing in her ears. Time slowed down as Belle faced the ambulance-bay doors. Red lights flashed as she forced air in and out of her lungs.

Get it together. He’s fine. Bently’s fine.

The doors opened and two men pushed a stretcher inside, a white blood-stained sheet covering a body. Bile rose in her throat. Her heart screamed at her that something was wrong. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as Bently’s ashen face came into view behind the stretcher. All the color had drained from his complexion. His bloodshot eyes had turned dark. His brown uniform was saturated in crimson.

Oh my god. Bently!

Chapter 44


She sucked in a breath, tears burning her eyes as she tried to pull herself together. She was going to make a terrible sheriff’s wife.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

He dragged his gaze to hers as if they’d been weighed down by something heavy. She reached out, checking him with gloved hands for injuries, taking care over the site of his gunshot wound from a few weeks prior. None of the blood seemed to be his. His body was tense and trembling. His chest heaved. Blood-stained hands gripped her wrists as tears shimmered in his eyes.

“I’m fine.” His voice cracked and broke as if he’d swallowed shards of glass.

“No, you’re not.”

Bently’s body quaked as a storm of energy bellowed from him, swirling and swallowing up all the attention in the room. It had grown silent as she stared up at him worriedly. Fury radiated from him.

Fear slithered around her spine. A warning blared in the back of her mind. Something was very wrong. “Bently? Was it one of your officers?”

He grimaced. “I’m so sorry.”

