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He turned, a warm smile aimed at her. “We’re almost there.”

“Are you gonna tell me what we’re doing way out here?”

His gaze focused ahead on the winding road as he spoke. “You said you’d always wanted to spend a night under the stars.”

She blinked and searched the woods around them, fear trickling down her spine. “I meant like somewhere safer. You know, without wild animals looking to me for their dinner.”

He reached over and enveloped her hand in his. His thumb rubbed soothing circles over her palm. “Whatever happens, I’ll always keep you safe. That’s a promise.” He turned down a smaller road, this one only big enough for one car.

The forest opened and a glimmering lake sparkled in the sunshine. A small log cabin with a stone chimney was situated at the end of what she could now tell was in fact a driveway.

Bently shifted the truck into park and got out. He opened her door and helped her down. “I’ll get the bags. Code to get in is five-seven-four-two.”

“We’re staying here?” she asked, stunned. “In this tiny cabin?”

“Unless you want to try a tent?” He smirked.

He grabbed the bags while she walked to the door. Brown pine needles and scattered cones covered the soft earth of the forest floor. Geese honked somewhere in the distance. Trees and bushes rustled as squirrels and chipmunks raced around the forest. She grabbed the key box and entered the numbers before opening the door.

Notes of cinnamon and clove hung in the air as she walked in. Thick woven rugs adorned the floor. A stone fireplace with a stack of wood next to it was the focal point of the living room. The worn brown leather couch faced it and was decorated with colorful pillows. She reached out and ran her fingers over the various novels stacked neatly into a built-in bookshelf in the far-left wall. She turned towards the open-concept kitchen and small dining table.

There was a sign across the first door with a crescent moon that read “outhouse.” She cringed, hoping she didn’t actually have to go without indoor plumbing. Opening the door, she let out a breath of relief. The small but clean bathroom had a giant tub, porcelain sink, and a regular toilet.

She relieved herself and washed her hands before going back out to search the last room. Bently came in behind her, heading straight for the last pine door down the small hallway. A bedroom. The fireplace opened on this side too, though here it was covered with glass. Bently had set the bags onto one of the wooden dressers. A bedroom with a king-sized bed with a red plaid comforter took up most of the room. Bently’s body stretched out across it, making the space seem that much smaller.

He tapped the spot next to him. “Come here. And no, this isn’t me making a move.” He winked, and she laughed. “I just wanna show you something.”

She kicked off her shoes and snuggled to him. His arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer. She shivered.

“I’m gonna start a fire, but I wanted you to see this first.” He pointed upwards. A large picture window replaced a good portion of the ceiling above them, giving them unfettered access to the sky above. “We’re far enough from the city lights that tonight, you’ll be able to see thousands of stars all from the safety of this warm bed.” His deep voice rumbled in his chest against her ear.

What did I do to deserve this man? I can’t believe this is real.

“Why are you doing this for me?” she asked, not looking at him.

He took a deep breath before replying. “Because I care about you. And I want you to have all your dreams become a reality.”

Who supports his dreams?

“What are some of your dreams?” she asked.

“To stay healthy. To keep everyone safe. To make a difference . . . To be nothing like my own parents.”

He was holding so much back. “You’ve already made a difference.”

He scoffed.

Belle sat, her hand resting against his cheek, hoping he saw the man he was in her eyes. “You’ve changed my life. Given me hope. Taught me that I can’t necessarily judge someone based on appearances. That not every man is the same. You’ve made me feel not so alone.”

His gaze darkened. “You make it really hard to control myself around you. I want you so bad it fucking consumes my thoughts, day and night.”

She swallowed, fear and uncertainty mixing with her own desire. Her body trembled. She wanted him too, but . . . “I’m afraid.”

His brows drew together as he brought his hand to cup her face. “Of what, Angel? You know I’d never pressure you to do anything you weren’t ready for, right? What are you worried about?”

She nodded. “Every time a man got his fill of sex with me, whether it be one time or more, it would end. Just like that, I’d be thrown out like yesterday’s trash.” Or worse.

His jaw tensed.
