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“Isn’t it though?”

No. Because I’m nothing. I’m unlovable. I’m a failure.

“So, you’re having a pity party instead of going after the happiness you could have with the woman you love?” Mikel asked.

Bently frowned. “I’m not having a pity party.”

“If anyone knows what self-loathing is, it’s me, big brother. Don’t fuck it up and waste your chance at happiness like I did,” Mikel said sympathetically.

Bently remained silent. He’d already ruined any chance with Belle. She’d told him her worst fears and then he’d gone and done just that. He’d sabotaged their only chance. “It’s too late.” The words felt like the last breath he’d ever release. Like inhaling without at least a spark of hope was too painful.

“True failure isn’t in failing, but in not trying at all. You can still fight for her. Just talk to her. Tell her what you told me. Except, maybe leave out the murder part. Might want to work up to that later.” Mikel smirked.

“Does Remy know?”

Mikel swallowed and nodded solemnly. “I told her when I returned before we got back together. I wanted to lay all my cards on the table. I’d held everything from her before. I knew this time, I couldn’t hide the worst parts of me. That she needed to know what she was getting into.”

That sounded terrifying.

Bently opened a file on his desk and pushed it towards his brother. Mikel looked down at the picture of Bently and Belle climbing into his truck. He still got chills knowing that the stalker had been this close to them and he hadn’t even suspected anything was off.

Mikel frowned. “Is this from . . .”

“Yeah. One more reason I need to keep my distance from Belle.”

Mikel sighed. “I think she deserves to know. She needs to have all the information so she can be vigilant and protect herself. Don’t make the same mistake I did.”

That made sense. So why was he holding back?

Because I don’t want her to walk away from me. I’d rather leave before being left.

“I’ll think about it.”

Mikel stood. “Good. And while you’re at it, get some sleep and maybe have a shave.” He laughed.

“How did you know that I loved her?” Bently asked.

Mikel met his eyes. “Because you’re different since you’ve been with her. You’re better. You seem more . . . peaceful.”

Wow. Hearing those words was like a blow to his chest.

“Not to mention the hearts in your eyes whenever you look at her or talk about her.” Mikel chuckled. “It’s about time you met your match. She knows how to put you in your place.”

Bently laughed. “You think I need to be put in my place?”

Mikel smiled. “I think every man does. We just don’t know it until it happens.”


Bently jolted awake. The hair on the back of his neck and arms stood on end. He was on his couch, and the TV was muted, so what had woken him?


Beep! Beep! Beep!

He jumped to his feet, sending the empty beer bottles clattering to the ground all around him. He ran out the door barefoot. His body pulsed with adrenaline. Every nerve was on edge. He was ready for a fight. He was going to catch his tormentor once and for all.

He yanked the door open and ran across the fresh snow, not even registering the cold as his eyes focused on the hooded figure wielding a wooden bat. Not my truck again! The perp swung, smashing his other headlight as Bently increased his speed and tackled him with full force to the ground.
