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Atlas laughed along with them. She met his gaze—it was glittering with amusement once again. Jasmine tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear as the same waitress from the other day arrived.

“How was your lunch?” Brynn asked, clearing the plates.

“Great. I think we’re going to get some ice cream,” Atlas answered her with a smile.

“Cotton candy with rainbow sprinkles for the little one?” Brynn asked.

Atlas nodded. “Yes, and I’ll take a chocolate shake for me. And a vanilla chai one—unless you want something else?” he asked Jasmine.

She shook her head. “That’s perfect.”

“Coming right up,” Brynn said before walking away.

“I’m gonna run to the restroom real quick.” Atlas stood.

He disappeared around the corner. Zoey pulled out the menu from the edge of the basket holding the condiments. She’d worked on coloring it before they’d gotten their lunch.

“Did you find all five starfish?” Jasmine asked, pointing to the hide-and-seek game on the paper.


A dark shadow appeared over the blue table. Jasmine looked up, her stomach sinking. Not here.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in. Been a while, Jaz,” Jimmy said, his eyes roaming over her body. She tensed.

“Yup, here with my daughter. Have a good day.” She turned back to Zoey, who was thankfully oblivious to her mother’s former fuck-boy.

Take the hint and leave.

“We should get together sometime. Just like the good ol’ days,” Jimmy said, sliding into Atlas’s seat across from her.

She jerked her head around. They’d already attracted an audience of accusatory stares. She didn’t want this part of her past to touch her daughter. Panicked, she narrowed her eyes. “As I’ve told you the last few unfortunate times our paths have crossed, it’s not gonna happen. Besides, I don’t think your wife would like that very much.”

He smiled darkly. “Didn’t bother you in high school.”

“Well, some of us have grown and matured since then,” she snapped.

“What Abby doesn’t know won’t hurt her. And we both know you’re good at keeping your mouth shut and your legs open.”

Heat rose to Jasmine’s face as shame and embarrassment flooded over her. The barb was a hot and sharp poker driving through her heart, hitting its intended mark. She needed to get out of here. She searched the room wildly for an escape as her hand tightened around Zoey’s shoulders.

“That’s my seat.” Atlas’s voice had an edge to it.

She turned to look up at him. His jaw was tight, his muscles rigid. How much of that did he hear? Jimmy looked between Atlas and Jasmine and smirked, taking his time to stand. “Call me when this one leaves. You know I never minded sharing.”

Jasmine’s head snapped down, anger and shame roiling for dominance in her body. She trembled, tears burning the backs of her eyes. This was why she’d never have a happily ever after. Her dirty past. She was too broken and used. No one would want her after they knew the truth.

Atlas took the seat across from her. Her heart raced.

“You okay?” His voice was gentle, soothing, like he actually cared.

She nodded. It’s fine. Everything is fine. Swallow it down. She lifted her chin defiantly.

His gaze roamed over her, not seductively, but more like he was checking to make sure she truly was alright.

Atlas was a good man. And he deserved to know something. If she could explain a small part, maybe he’d understand when the time came to tell him about Zoey. After all, he was no puritan either. He’d slept with a stranger in a bar, just like she had.

“I made a lot of mistakes when I was younger. He was one of them.”
