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“You should have the wedding here too.”

Emma coughed, her eyes widening. “What are you talking about?”

Her aunt laughed. “You and my nephew. Don’t you think you two have wasted enough time dancing around one another? Time to make it official.”

Emma blushed. Did she want to marry Link? Absolutely. But was she ready? No. They needed time. “I’ll have to wait for the question to be asked.” She bought herself some time.

“Okay, dear. Safe travels and let me know if you guys need anything.”

“Goodbye, Auntie.”

The call ended. Link walked over to her with a questioning look.

“Auntie Yaa wanted to wish us safe travels.”

He scratched the back of his neck, an amused look on his expression. “Yeah, she called me earlier.”

Did she ask him to propose too?

Emma shook her head. Before she could even think about marriage, she needed to work on herself, her relationship with the band, and the complications of a partially long-distance relationship with Link. Marriage was far down the line.

“Dad, can we go to Pippa’s now?” Aspen, Mason’s daughter, asked him.

A panicked look crossed the usually stoic man’s expression before it was gone. “You were just there.”

“That was last week,” she whined. “I need more books. You can drop me off and go get coffee or whatever at the café.”

He let out a deep, frustrated sigh. “Fine.”

Emma turned to Link. “What was that about?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Who’s Pippa?”

“She owns The Oyster Bookstore on Main Street,” Emma supplied.

One eyebrow drew down and Link’s forehead wrinkled in concentration. “I don’t think I’ve met her yet.”

“She’s got colorful braids, she’s gorgeous, and has the cutest dog.”

Recognition sparked in his gaze. “A golden retriever?”

She nodded.

“I think I saw her at the bar one night when I was there with Mason and Reese. Mase couldn’t keep his eyes off her.”

“And another one bites the dust,” she joked.

“Huh?” He looked at her, seemingly utterly clueless.

She patted his chest. “Never mind. Ready to go? We’d better get on the road if we’re gonna make our flight.”

He leaned and kissed her until their friends reminded them there were children present. She pulled away, breathless and so full of joy she thought for sure her skin was glowing.

His dark eyes stared through her, down to her soul. He smirked, like he was happy with what he saw. “I can’t wait to find all the fun new places we can sneak off to. There’s probably a lot of dark corners in a concert stadium behind the scenes.” He winked.

“I can’t wait that long. First class has a bigger bathroom on the airplane,” she whispered so only he could hear.

His hands tightened around her waist. “You’re a bad girl.” His voice was rough in her ear, sending shivers over her skin, leaving gooseflesh in its wake.
