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Link pulled her to standing. “Of course you would make the first move. I had this all planned out.” He pulled the ring from his pocket. It glittered in the spotlight as the crowd gasped for a second time. “Yes, I’ll marry you, little bird.”

The biggest smile he’d ever seen split her face as she jumped into his arms, her arms snaking around his neck. He caught her with one hand, wrapping her legs around him. The audience went wild.

Emma pulled back enough to kiss him, long and hard.

God, he wouldn’t ever get enough of her.

She broke the kiss and held out her hand expectantly. “I didn’t know you were going to ask me too.”

He slid the ring on. “You always knew what you wanted before I got the nerve to act on it. Fearless as ever.”

“It’s beautiful.” She lifted the grey teardrop-shaped diamond closer, blinking away fresh tears.

“A grey stone, to remind you every time you look at it that I will always be here to love you in the grey.”
