Page 3 of Saving Drew

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“Stop what?”

“All that garbage you’re letting go through your head. You’ll play again, Drew. You will.”

He shook his head. Such an optimist, his sister. Sure, his physical therapy was going well since surgery, but would he every pitch like he did before his injury? And Drew wasn’t sure he was ready for the answer just yet. His trainer said he was doing well. Improving. But what did that really mean? It wasn’t a definite answer. Nothing he could base his future on. Not to mention his pitches were wild and his velocity wasn’t up to par. Things his trainer said would come with time but spring training was right around the corner. Time wasn’t a luxury he possessed at this point.

“I said stop it.”

He turned and pulled Kate into his arms. She snuggled against him like she had when they were kids. After she’d fallen off her bike, or when she watched a sad movie that made her cry.

“I mean it, K. Don’t worry about me. You need to focus on being happy with Jack.”

She looked up at him. “I am happy with Jack.”

“Good, because if he makes you sad, I’ll have to kick his butt.”

A playful slap landed on his chest as she stepped back.

“Come on. Let’s go back inside.”

He took her hand and led her back to the reception. His life might be going down the drain, but hers was taking a turn for the better. There wasn’t much he could be happy about in his life right now, but he’d be damned if he ruined Kate’s wedding day with his grumbling. Yep. It was time to put on his game face and look happy for his sister. He’d wallow in his own worry later.


Baylee watched asDrew and Kate came back through the main door hand in hand. They were a close family. Not something seen as much anymore it seemed. It was nice.

She’d found her spot behind the cupcake table again after dancing with Drew. Still a tad confused at his abrupt departure and lack of conversation, her heart skipped a beat when he turned her way and smiled.

Gracious. The man was beautiful when frowning. When he smiled he was downright mind-blowing. She blinked and smiled back, cursing the warmth in her cheeks she was certain turned them crimson.

He led Kate to the dance floor and spun her around. She laughed and kissed his cheek as he pulled her to him. Being around his sister had cheered him up. That was good.

Baylee could only imagine what the man was going through. She only had a few details from Kate, but as a major league baseball pitcher, having a shoulder injury was not a good thing, and that was putting it mildly. Nothing had felt wrong with his shoulders when they danced, that was for certain.

Baylee didn’t know much about baseball either. Growing up in Texas, football was what everyone would eat, sleep, and breathe. She watched every weekend with her dad during the season, but with only one sister and no brothers, sports weren’t high on her radar.

Kate and Drew made their way around the dance floor. Drew said something that made Kate laugh. A wave of homesickness hit Baylee. Sure, Silver Bay was her home now, but she still missed her sister. After her divorce, Baylee wanted a new start. She and Casey landed in Silver Bay. After her father died of a heart attack, her mother decided to join her. With a family of her own already established, Baylee’s sister stayed in Texas. Baylee saw her now and then when she could get back, but with running the bakery and raising Casey, time and money were not two resources she had to spare.

The song ended and Drew hugged Kate before handing her off to Jack. The two men shook hands. Baylee kept her gaze on Drew as Jack led his bride to get something to drink. His smiled faded as they walked away, the cloud that had hovered over him before returning.

She sighed. Why was she spending so much time focused on Drew? He’d asked her to dance once. Sure, he was gorgeous, but she didn’t have the time or energy in her life for another man. The little one she was raising drained her enough. Besides, Drew wasn’t even staying in Silver Bay and the heaviness he carried in his life right now was not something she had the strength for. Or did she? Her mind kept telling her to look away, a tiny spark in her heart said to keep looking.
