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Noelle took adeep breath in and let it out. It was her first class of the day and she was already needing to find some zen. Five- and six-year-olds were hard work on their own. Getting ten of them to focus all at once in her class was like trying to herd cats,andget them to be quiet. Fidgeting was one thing. The sound level with them all in one room was another.

She hated to complain. For the most part, she had great kids. They were just excited. Which was a good thing. Dancing was fun. She certainly didn’t want to squash their enthusiasm. However, they’d never learn to actually dance if she couldn’t get them organized.

The sound of her hands clapping together echoed through the room. “Okay, class. Time to line up.”

The girls found their way to the barre with a little help from Noelle and one of her other teachers, Zoe. They’d agreed that two of them for the class full of younger kids was best for all involved. It helped Noelle keep things moving along, as well as give the students more one-on-one guidance.

After warming up at the barre, they all lined up to practice a number Noelle and Franchesca had talked about them maybe using in the performance they planned. The little ones were tough to have in a show, but Noelle wanted them to be prepared in case it worked out.

The rest of class went smoothly. Only a few hiccups here and there, but nothing Noelle couldn’t handle.

She noticed Franchesca enter as Noelle was having the girls cool down before going home. In their case it was more of a settling down, but nuanced. Zoe took over the rest of class as Noelle met Franchesca at the back desk.

“Hey. So. I was thinking about the show. I’m hearing around town that a local philanthropy group is raising money for Harry’s House, sort of an after-school hangout for kids. What would you say to us giving part of the proceeds from our performance to them? It would be a great way to connect with the community and show them how having the arts in Marietta is important. It would mean having the performance sooner rather than later, but I think we can do it.”


“I know that neither one of us is loaded, by any means, but I think we could spare some to give to others, right?”

“Yep. Sounds good.”

“Good! I heard they’re doing some bachelor auction thing too. You and I should get in on that as well.” She nudged Noelle with her elbow and wiggled her eyebrows.

Noelle laughed and shook her head.

A small hand tapped her leg. She looked down to see Annalise, one of her favorite students, looking up at her with enormous blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. It was done up in a neat bun, small braids woven throughout.

Noelle had heard the child’s mother had died not long ago. The father moved them to Marietta to be near family was the rumor. In fact, she remembered that Annalise’s dad was the one with her mystery man from Grey’s the other night. The man who continued to wander into her thoughts. The man she wondered if she’d ever see again.

“Miss Noelle.” Annalise tapped her again.

“Yes, sweetie. What is it?” Class was over and kids were getting their things out of their cubbies as parents filed through the door.

“My Uncle Dubs is in the action.”

Noelle looked at the child then at Franchesca. “The action?”

“I think she means the auction,” Franchesca whispered. “She must’ve heard us talking.”

“Oh! Right. The auction. Your uncle, huh?”

She had yet to see the uncle, but based on what she’d seen of Annalise’s dad, the auction should bring in a lot of money.

“Yep. I heard Daddy and Grandfather and Uncle Dubs talking about it.” She pulled Noelle’s arm causing her to lean over closer to her. “Uncle Dubs isn’t very happy about it either,” she whispered.

Franchesca stifled a laugh behind her hand.

“He has to bake.”

“Really? He has to bake?” Noelle leaned her hands on her knees, now closer to eye level with the cherub-faced girl.

“Yes. And I don’t think he’s very good at it.”

Noelle bit her lip to keep from laughing. “What makes you say that?”

“Well, Glenna always cooks for us.”

“Who is Glenna?”
