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Yeah. Peaceful. Daniel St. Claire had never come across to Wes as unhappy. Busy. A great businessman. A good husband and father. And a serious man. But Mike was right, there was a peace about him that was new.

Maybe that’s what was eating Wes. Everyone said he was a carbon copy of his father. Business was their first love. Sure, his father had married and had a family, but Marian St. Claire was a rare breed. A woman who wasn’t jealous of her husband’s attention to his work. She supported him, encouraged him. Was his partner in every way. And in turn, his father had adored her.

Noelle made Wes want things he’d never thought of wanting before. But at what cost? Could she stand by the side of him that stayed up all hours working on a deal? Or would that side of him wear her down? Their conversation in the kitchen came to mind. She was quick to defend his success, how hard he worked. And after only knowing him for a short time.

Mike pushed himself away from the doorframe and took a step into the hallway. “Have fun in New York with Noelle.”

His comment pulled Wes from his thoughts. “How did you…?”

“Our pilot called. Said the plane was ready. Verified four passengers and their names. I’ll see you when you get back.” With a smirk, he turned and left the room.

Wes stood and shook his head. He’d forgotten to tell their pilot to call his phone directly. He must’ve called the house phone instead. Sometimes being in a big family was like living in a small town—everyone knew your business whether you wanted them to or not. His punk of a brother knew more than he was letting on when he’d started their heart-to-heart.

The clock on the wall caught his eye. With a groan, he turned and grabbed his bags off the bed. Because of said little heart-to-heart with Mike, he was now running late. Something he abhorred in life.

As he made his way down the stairs and into the car Wilson had waiting for him, he put his conversation with Mike aside in his mind. He had a plane to catch and a gorgeous dancer to surprise.


“Just give mesome sort of hint, Holly,” Noelle all but begged her sister as they packed their suitcases. Suitcases for a trip where Noelle had no idea where they were going, who they were going with, or how she was even going to do so with a performance at the end of the week and classes to teach. The only information she had was that they were leaving that morning and returning the following afternoon.

“Nope. You love surprises, so be surprised.” Holly stood her ground as she pulled a sweater from Noelle’s closet and added it to her bag. Holly knew where they were going and said it would just be easier if she packed for the both of them.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” Noelle paced the room. Watching Holly pack for her was making the anticipation even worse. With nothing to do, she could only fret over all she was skipping to go on this adventure, whatever it was. The only reason she’d agreed to it was Franchesca all but pushed her out the door of the studio the night before saying their friendship was over if she didn’t go, and Holly assured her all her classes would be covered by the other teachers. Everyone acted as if it was imperative she take this surprise trip, and as much as she did love a good surprise, it was killing her that Holly wouldn’t say where they were going.

A knock at the door stopped her from pacing.

“Who’s that?”

“Why don’t you go open the door and see?” Holly zipped up her bag and handed it to her. “I’m going to go get my bag.”

Noelle made her way to the front door, her flowered duffel bag in hand. Were they flying somewhere? They didn’t really have the extra funds for that right now. Was Franchesca giving them a ride to the airport? Possibilities swirled around in her head as she opened the door.

All thoughts of travel fled from her mind as she took in the sight of Wes St. Claire on her doorstep. Impeccably dressed from head to toe, as always, his smile warmed her to her toes. “Are you ready?”

Ready? Ready for what?

He put out a hand and took her bag from her. “Let me help you with this.”

Wait. Why was Wes helping her with her bag?

Holly breezed by her in the doorway. “Come on, Sis. Let’s go.”

Still unsure of what was happening, Noelle let her sister guide her out the door before she closed and locked it behind them.

“Here. Put these on.” Holly placed Noelle’s coat and scarf in her hands and made her way to the car waiting for them by the curb. Wes put their bags in the trunk and Holly thanked Wilson who held open the car door for her.

Still unable to move, Noelle stood at the entrance to their apartment. Wes came up to her, almost toe to toe. “Surprise.”

His voice was like a whisper against her skin, the light in his eyes dancing with mischief.


He smiled. “Me.”

“But…where are we going?”

“Do you trust me?” He put his hand out for her to take.
