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And the situation with the potential sale of Noelle’s building was something he needed to control. This was Noelle. If things needed to change and he had the power to do so for her to be happy, he’d move heaven and hell to do it. Where they stood with one another was still a big, fat question mark, but he was damned sure he’d do everything in his power to protect her future and the studio she loved.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, drawing him from his thoughts.


“You chuckled. What were you thinking about?”

“Oh, nothing. Something Mike said before I left this morning.”

She nodded in understanding but asked nothing more. The performance ended and the room erupted with applause. The four of them stood and joined the standing ovation.

“That was so amazing! Thank you,” Holly said with a hug for Wes as they began collecting their coats and purses to leave.

“You are most welcome, Holly.”

“Yeah. Thanks, man.” Jeff reached out and shook Wes’s hand.

Jeff helped Holly with her coat and they made their way through the exit door of the balcony.

Wes did the same for Noelle, slipping her long, wool coat over her shoulders, the softness of her not lost on him as his hands skimmed over her bare skin. She turned to look up at him. “Thank you doesn’t seem to suffice for all you’ve done here.”

“Well, I didn’t feel that saying a simple thank-you was enough for all you’ve done for me.”

“I haven’t done anything, Wes.”

“You’ve done everything.” He leaned into her, his lips brushing against her cheek, then staying there a moment until she wrapped her arms around him, inviting him to hold her close. With every intention of kissing her, he lost his nerve at the last second, not knowing if she’d pull away and certain he couldn’t take it if she did. Not to mention a fleeting thought he had that they were visible to people in the second-story tier. Being too public with his feelings for Noelle he was certain he wasn’t ready for, and with the kind of kiss he wanted, and for the length of time, this was not the place.

“As much as I’d like to stay this way for a while, Jeff and Holly will wonder where we are.” Her voice was a whisper in his ear.

He nodded and pulled back. Taking her hand, he led her down the long hallway to the winding staircase, the only thing on his mind the fact that she wanted to be in his arms, and for a long time.


Noelle’s head spunfrom the events of the past few hours. Was it really only that morning she and Holly were in their apartment in Montana throwing clothes into a bag, her thinking of all the places they could possibly be going? Of all the ideas she’d come up with, flying on a private plane to New York with Wes never entered her mind. She still couldn’t wrap her head around it, even as she sat on a barstool in his kitchen. In his penthouse, of all places.

They’d even shopped that afternoon for dresses. Wes had taken them to a fancy department store and had his personal tailor have a staff of women help them find the perfect thing to wear for the evening. A tad overwhelmed, Noelle had initially refused, but Wes was persistent, if anything. And smooth about it too. Without coming across as domineering or even brash the way some men would, he’d treated them not only to new dresses, but also to the best shopping afternoon Noelle and her sister had ever had. Not to mention a stroll through Central Park. The trip was filling up with memories Noelle was sure to never forget.

One memory her mind had a firm grasp of was Wes’s kiss as they’d left their seats at Lincoln Center. Some might not even call it a kiss, but she’d felt it from the tip of her head down to her coral color painted toenails when his mouth had brushed against her cheek. His cologne still lingered on her skin from their proximity when she’d pulled him into her arms.

She’d wanted to do much more than that, but it was not the time or place, something she sensed Wes had decided as well. Yet one more reason to appreciate the whole package that was Wes St. Claire. Gorgeous, yes. Wealthy, sure. But thoughtful and considerate? Those were major bonus points in his favor.

Having asked Holly what Noelle’s favorite Chardonnay was, he’d brought her a glass that evening before the performance began. He also learned she never had more than one glass, so fresh water had been delivered to her seat the rest of the evening.

It was uncanny how in tune with her he was after only knowing each other a short amount of time. He was never more than one step away as they’d made their way inside his building, aware that her leg was bothering her. How he could sense her slight limp, she had no clue, but he had. Although she’d taken off her heels in the car on the way back from Lincoln Center, her leg still ached. He’d put an arm around her until they got inside his penthouse, making sure she didn’t lose her footing.

After she’d changed into comfortable clothes, he didn’t leave her side until she was settled on the barstool she was currently perched on. Jeff and Holly were on the balcony, taking in the view of the city. Large heaters kept the night chill away.

While Wes was in his room changing out of his dress clothes, Noelle took the chance to look around. It didn’t take a genius to see the St. Claires had money, but the more she got to know them, the more she could see that it was an amount of money that most humans would have a hard time wrapping their head around. From the mansion in Marietta to the private plane and now Wes’s penthouse, this wasn’t just big money, this was gigantic money.

They’d stopped at the penthouse after flying in to New York but only for a few moments to drop off their bags. They’d then visited Central Park, gone shopping, and came back with enough time to dress for the evening then go to the theater. Even so, Noelle and Holly still managed to fit in a quick squeal of “Oh my gosh!” as they chose “one of the four available bedrooms,” as Wes informed them. A penthouse with five bedrooms. He was a bachelor. What did he want with five bedrooms? Well, that wasn’t a question Noelle cared to dive into or ask.

No, she would much rather take a look around while she had the chance. The entire place had a modern design, the gray sofas and white accents chosen to fit the space. The seating area faced the floor to ceiling windows, complete with electric shades that went up or down at the push of a button. Not that Wes would need them, really. No one could see inside. No building nearby had as many floors.

The stainless steel and granite of the kitchen matched the living area, all neutral tones with clean lines. And spotless. Noelle noticed the lack of any kitchen appliances along the counters. A lone coffee machine sat on one, but that was it. Not even a toaster. Having walked the rooms, she sat back down on the barstool and sipped her water just as Wes came around the corner.

A laugh bubbled up, her attempt to keep it contained a total failure.

He stopped and looked at her. “What?”
