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His baffled expression made her laugh even more. Not to mention making her heart skip a beat. Everything about the man made her go from tingling to warmth to a flush of desire within seconds. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to cuddle him or kiss him senseless. Both sounded appealing.

“Nothing. It’s just that most people would find your more comfortable clothes their dress clothes.”

He looked down at his khaki pants, pressed to perfection. His shoes, most likely purchased that day, Italian loafers she was sure had cost half of what her wardrobe did. His dark blue button-down shirt was the only thing that looked like it may be soft and comfortable. It was tucked in with the sleeves rolled up. He’d missed a button, giving her the perfect view of his chest, the same one that invaded her dreams at night. She took another sip of water to cool herself down, if not keep her from drooling.

“Know this about me…” he pointed at her with a grin “…sweats will never be worn by this body. Unless I’m running outside in winter, which I don’t do, so…there you have it.”

She smiled in return. “Duly noted.”

He moved to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottled water. He twisted the cap and took a pull from it before setting it on the counter and facing her. The bar and a small portion of countertop sat between them.

“I’m sorry. I tease you too much about your clothes.”

“You’re the only one who ever has. I find it refreshing.”

That drew another laugh from her. “You find my teasing you refreshing?”

“Actually, yeah. Not too many people have the nerve.”

“You that powerful, huh?”

“Sorry. That came out wrong.” He took another swig of water.

“No it didn’t. Youarea powerful man. Most people shouldn’t tease you. It would be inappropriate.”

“But it’s not inappropriate for you?” He twisted the cap back on his water and set it down.

“I don’t think so. We’re friends, right?” Why she asked the question, she had no clue. Maybe it was bubbling beneath the surface all night. After what had happened at the theater, she didn’t think she was still friend zoned, but how could she be sure? And she’d meant the question about their friendly banter, not about their relationship. Yet, there her comment sat on the bar between them, waiting to be acknowledged.

Wes’s eyes went from bright and teasing to a much deeper shade of blue. He came around the counter and turned her in her seat. He stepped between her legs and placed her face in his hands. “We are friends, yes. But would it be inappropriate if I wanted it to be more?”

Oh, goodness. No, it wouldn’t be inappropriate at all. Not trusting her words, Noelle moved her head back and forth.

At the invitation, Wes dipped his head and placed his lips on hers. She’d dreamt of this moment, thought for hours what it would be like to be kissed by him. Nothing she imagined even came close to the real thing. The kiss started out tender, his lips brushing hers, taking small tastes each time. As she wrapped her arms around his waist, he ran his fingers through her hair, holding her head. At his complete bidding, his lips claimed hers, heat searing through her.

Noelle lost track of all time and space. They could’ve kissed for seconds or even hours, she had no idea. They only broke apart when the sound of Jeff and Holly coming inside from the balcony awoke them from their trance.

Wes took a step back. The loss of his warmth made Noelle shiver.

“Hey, you two. What ya’ll doing in here?” Holly asked.

Wes stood there, his eyes never leaving Noelle’s. They searched hers for how to respond. Did she want anyone knowing what had just happened? She wasn’t all too sure herself.

How she found her voice was a miracle. She had to break eye contact with Wes to do so. “Nothing. Just talking.”

“Cool. Can I grab a water?” Jeff moved around them toward the refrigerator.

“Of course.” Wes’s voice was hoarse. Sexy bedroom-hoarse. Noelle shivered again for a whole other reason. He placed his hands in his pockets and moved back to his side of the counter where he drained the rest of his water bottle.

“Talking, huh?” Holly whispered to Noelle before taking the drink Jeff handed her.

Holly’s smirk and nod toward Noelle’s hair told her exactly why her sister thought something was up. Right. Wes had moments before been massaging her head and running his fingers through her hair while he kissed her senseless.

“I’ll be right back.” Needing a moment to get herself together, Noelle fled to the bathroom and didn’t look back.

Chapter Thirteen

Wes sat inthe restaurant waiting for Ronald. He’d been kicking himself since he left his penthouse early that morning. After Noelle had sprinted for the bathroom the night before, he’d thought for sure he’d screwed things up with her. But man, even if he had, he would never in all his lifetime regret that kiss. Playing it over and over in his mind had kept him up all night, meaning he’d had close to no sleep, what little he’d had full of dreams of Noelle. The kiss in his dreams hadn’t ended in his kitchen, either.
