Page 17 of Porter's Angel

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She felt God’s presence like never before. Perhaps even carrying this soul was part of being in a sacred place. Cadence didn’t know, only that she wanted a fresh start. This town could be a whole new world for her, a place to reinvent who she was and become something better.

No one here had to know who she really was and what was happening to her. Cadence could take one day at a time and decide what her life was going to be later.

She picked up her phone, but of course, Emily hadn’t texted back yet. Cadence decided to let her friend know that she’d made it back safely anyway. “I’m here! Your place is adorable. You’ve got yourself a plant waterer.”

Feeling at peace with her decision, Cadence pushed up from the bed to find some pajamas, though it was just as she’d thought: Emily’s were so little that she felt like a Barbie trying on Skipper’s clothes. The shirt barely fit over her torso. The leggings were skin tight.

Good enough for tonight!

If Cadence thought this was bad, just wait a few months. The thought brought more tears to her eyes—this time for purely selfish reasons.

Oh, life was going to change in a big way, wasn’t it?

Chapter Seven

Cadence had cried herself to sleep, and though she was exhausted, tossed and turned as the morning rays drifted over her.

Startling awake, she pushed her head out from under her pillow and stared at the celestial beams brightening Emily’s white curtains.

It was already morning!

Could she really face this day?

Every detail from the night before came crashing down on her, feeling like it crushed her breath from her, too. Normally her fears seemed more bearable after getting some rest, but her heart was leaping about at every noise.

She instantly became aware of a click, click sound. Had that been what had ripped her from her nightmares?

Cadence listened to the front door opening in the living room.

She let out a dismayed breath. There was no possible way Lacy could’ve found her. Right? Right? She hadn’t accidentally shared her location, instead of blocking him, had she?

Her fingers tightened over the coverlet of Emily’s bed as she listened to the sounds of walking get louder.

Never before had she feared Lacy, but after he’d exploded at her the night before and said the horrible things that he’d said, she put nothing past him. He might drag her from here kicking and screaming, or convince her that the moon was made of cheese. She just didn’t know what to expect anymore.

The footsteps were headed for the bedroom. Her body froze. She had nothing to protect herself with. Her eyes went to a lamp and she grasped it firmly.

The door slowly opened.

She let out a breath of surprise. It was Country Casanova from the party. How did he get here so fast? Had Lacy sent him? Before her brain could register everything that was happening, she swung the lamp at him.


One second the lamp was coming at his head, the next Porter was swerving and holding back the beautiful woman who’d tried to clock him with it.

“Let me go!” she shrieked.

“Why?” he growled out. “So you can try to hit me again?” He grappled with this squirming woman, trying to get ahold of her, and—heaven help him—hereallydid. She was all soft curves and warmth from her bed. Her thick curly hair tickled his jaw. Wow. She smelled great. Porter blew a curl away from his nose. His hand went to her wrist to pry that lethal lamp from her fingers. “Let it go,” he said.

She let out a cry and dropped it to the ground.

“Okay, truce?” he grunted into her hair. “You stop trying to hit me and I set you free?”

She nodded, breathing heavily. He slowly released her. Who knew that coming to Emily’s to water her plants would bring such a surprise? This woman had almost cracked him over the head. The second she turned to face him, he felt like he’d been hit anyway. This woman had really been in his arms seconds before? She was gorgeous!

There were brilliant sunsets and sunrises over the emerald meadows where the cattle grazed, and rolling hills blending into the purple haze in the distance, and then there washer.

Was it possible to find such beauty on this earth?
