Page 62 of Porter's Angel

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Porter knelt down on the blanket and began pulling out the food. Angel laughed when he brought out the Fresca that she’d downed at Funches’s. “I kinda noticed that you were partial to these,” he said.

“Ah yes, how elegant.” She joined him on the blanket, leaning over the basket as he unveiled the rest. Her necklace dangled over the Oreos, and he brought those out next.

“You were snacking on these at our place,” he said. “Sorry I ate them all before. Here’s a new box.”

She pushed her palm into her hand. He noticed her nails were a glossy pink. “Your momma tried to cover for you and say she ate them.”

“I know. She’s a saint, so I have to come clean sometimes.”

Angel nodded. “You did bring her world-famous peanut butter bars?”

“Of course.” He put back the Oreos to show her. “She wouldn’t let me leave without throwing those in the basket,” he admitted.

“We’ve got a lot of desserts,” she said, smiling. They certainly did, with that chocolate cream pie that she brought. Personally, he could devour it all, but he’d give her a fighting chance to get her share. He knew that Angel had an appetite on her. Thankfully, or he’d always feel like a pig when they were together.

“And… of course, these…” He pulled out sub sandwiches. “Tuna, just how you like yours.”

Her mouth dropped. “How did you know?”

“You’ve got wrappers in your car with ‘T’s all over them.” And he’d taken a chance that they hadn’t belonged to that stupid Lacy.

Her lips trembled and she covered her face. “Why are you so good to me?”

His heart dropped painfully and he set the sandwiches back into the basket so that he could free his hands to comfort her. “Hey, don’t do that… Ghost Henry’s going to see your tears and come after me.”

She laughed through her fingers. “You are really someth—”

The geyser at the banks where he’d carefully placed their picnic chose that moment to gurgle out. It let out a huge spray that shot through the air in front of them… just like the ghost that it was supposed to be. And just like his countless friends before, she screamed, but unlike those friends, she clung to him. Porter held her while the geyser spent itself out. He felt her racing heart as her shrieks turned into helpless hoots of laughter.

She leaned back against the blanket to catch her breath. He collapsed next to her, and she beat lightly against his arm. “Porter! You terrible, terrible cheat!”

“Yeah, but…” He moved that same arm around her, so that he could see her expression better. She stilled as she studied him in return. “Did you like it?” he asked.

“I loved it,” she admitted.

Good. He stared down at her. Her eyes sparkled up at him. He had no idea what she was going to do to get him back, but he could hardly wait. For now, she pouted up at him.

Darn those scrumptious, inviting lips. They’d been begging to be kissed for far too long.

Chapter Twenty

Porter was going to kiss her. Cadence had been wondering when he was going to do it. He’d definitely had that twinkle in his eye since they’d gotten into his truck together, but she hadn’t felt it quite so much until this moment. She leaned back against the quilt, trying to catch her breath.

There were laughs, and then…therewere laughs. After their scare from their “ghost” geyser, Cadence felt the joy of being together bubble from every pore of her being. She hadn’t had this much fun with anyone for a very long time.

When had she ever?

Porter was a devilish trickster and drop dead gorgeous with those Slade blue eyes that looked incredible with his dark rancher’s tan. His mouth that was prone to smiling was also prone to kissing. He easily lowered himself to where she could reach him, so that all she need do was wrap her arms around his neck, and he easily took care of the rest.

The scruff of a few days’ growth tickled her chin while his mouth met hers. A shot of adrenaline raced through her at their every kiss, as she felt his heart beating heavily against hers. He made her feel alive, like she was still attractive, still worthy of love.

“What kind of ghost story was that?” she asked between kisses, between giggles.

“I don’t know. We’ve been giving our friends a hard time with this ‘water ghost’ for years, and…” He laughed, probably at the memory of scaring everyone he’d ever met, “word has gotten around. I think no one actually believes it, but Nash and I… Nash and I… hmm.” He took a deep breath, his hands tightening over her arms as the spell of their adventure seemed to melt and he sobered. “I have something to tell you.”

“If it’s about Annie’s adventures next, I don’t want to hear them…” She reached out and poked the dimple against his cheek. Adorable! She followed that with a kiss, reveling in how the crease of his cheek grew tighter with his smiles under her every touch.

He closed his eyes. “I have a speech, but it keeps disappearing…”
