Page 79 of Porter's Angel

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This can’t be my second chance… please! Please! If this is my second chance, then I’ve already blown it. I can’t run away from what is happening to me. My past is coming for me, the consequences of what I’ve done are real… and I’ll never give up my baby, even if I lose everything.

And she would lose everything. She sensed that now. Porter was sweet, but how could he protect her? How could he be the man who swept in and took care of everything? He got into water fights and scared teenagers at waterfalls; he made ridiculous bets with cantankerous old men, teased her until she was laughing hysterically, kissed her until she was breathless… but could he face down her monsters?

She gulped. It wasn’t fair to ask him to do it.

This is on my shoulders, God! I’ve already accepted what having this child will mean. I won’t be tempted to take the easier route.

She thought of her baby’s tender fingers grabbing ahold of little Mousy. Her soft-bellied little teddy bear hadn’t been able to protect Cadence from the horrors of her childhood, but she was an adult now. She’d be the one to protect her baby.

I made a promise, kid, and I’m keeping it. I’m not going to be distracted from you.

Cadence took a steadying breath. She’d found happiness for a time. Now it was her turn to cut off all ties. Just like Pastor Brown had claimed, she’d let the memories sustain her. Her baby was the blessing that she wouldn’t throw away. Her soul cried out in complaint at what she now faced:Leaving here is going to hurt so bad!

But she couldn’t stay where Lacy knew how to get to her; she also couldn’t go on that date on Saturday with the man who would’ve been perfect for her before all this had happened.

A cry slipped from her lips.

That was a regret to mourn later. She only had a few days left here, if that! She’d give Porter the blueprints before she left. He’d take over the project—he’d do anything for his mother. Lily would have her garden, and Cadence? She’d have her baby.

God, give me the strength that I need to do this.

Someday she’d look into that child’s eyes and know the sacrifice was worth it.

A tear caught at her cheek then slid down to her mouth where she tasted the salt of grief.

I’ll give you everything that I have, my love. Always believe that.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Porter had hurt Angel. He knew he had.

He should’ve known that his confession on the Fourth of July had been too easy. He slid the tempered glass into the edges of the greenhouse while he rolled his eyes at the horrible miscommunication. Whoever said that those were only for romantic comedies didn’t live in the real world. At the same time, he wouldn’t have done that day together any differently.

He’d had more fun getting to know Angel on that river than any mortal should. Even when she was angry at him, he couldn’t get enough of that little spitfire. Had shereallypushed him into the pond? The look of contrition on her face had been priceless.

He’d probably replayed it in his memories twenty times a day. That and hersizzling kisses when she saw the repairs on her car.

Porter set down the drill. It had to be more than a hundred degrees outside. He was dripping with sweat. He straightened his back, trying to get out the kinks from bending over for so long. He and Angel had been working nonstop on the garden to get it ready for his mother. Strange, that even in the midst of her distress, Angel had insisted on working tirelessly on their project.

Bless his momma’s sweet interference! Porter almost wondered if Angel would’ve come back if it wasn’t for her promise to finish her garden.

Something was off. Angel still talked about going on their date tomorrow, but as she left this afternoon, she had felt further away from him than ever. She seemed torn between crying and wanting to touch him.

He’d seen her eyes brimming over with tears when she’d driven off.

Porter needed to talk to Nash about Angel. She wasn’t telling him a thing. Whatever had happened between her and his twin in Nashville would likely tell Porter what he needed to know. Angel had been more than happy to jabber on about whatever crazy thing was on her mind when she’d assumed that he was already “in the know,” but now she’d turned stubbornly mute.

She cared too much about what Porter thought of her. He noticed her self-conscious movements around him—her lowered gaze, her hands in her hair. He longed for a way to break through her walls… again.

Of all the times to promise no more pranks!

Porter told her that he’d be patient, but now he was beginning to wonder if Angeleverintended to confide in him.

He’d left more messages with his twin, but typical Nash wasn’t picking up. Porter would drive through the night to get to his brother, except he was hiding out with Emily at some secret romantic getaway.

Porter chuckled morosely at the thought. What were the odds that the both of them would find love at the same time?

Wait, love?
