Page 83 of Porter's Angel

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Lacy Lynch, of course, it was Lacy! They were dealing with a lot of money here, and who knew what her boyfriendhad found on Funches’s land that they wanted. Was there oil there, too?

Porter’s fingers clenched over the paperwork. He would see Angel on their date tomorrow. Would he wait until then to confront her with this?

Not a chance! He was facing her tonight.

His heart, or what was left of it, pulsated with a fiery rage. The anguish strangling it made it so that he couldn’t think straight, and he was only filled with the revenge of the cruelest kind of mischief.

No pranking anymore?

Yeah right, she’d hurt him bad. All bets were off the table.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Cadence would never see Porter again!

Remorse and panic filled her when she’d returned to Emily’s apartment. It was all she could do not to throw herself into his arms earlier in Lily’s beautiful garden and confess everything, but the more that she thought about her predicament, the more she knew that she couldn’t get him involved. No matter how cute he was when they worked together—his winks, his good humor, the gentle way that he treated her.

She was going to miss him so much. Cadence collapsed onto the couch, trying to build her courage to start packing. They were supposed to go out tomorrow, but she needed to be long gone by then.

Lacy Lynch was a dangerous man to cross. Porter’s brothers already worked with him. No matter what Porter did, Lacy would know he was being double crossed. Besides that, she couldn’t ask Porter to take her on. Why would he want her anyway?

She’d replayed this all out in her mind already. She’d messed up big time.

A tear slipped down her cheek. It had taken everything in her to keep back her emotions from Porter, but the more wonderful he was, the harder it became to hide how much she mourned leaving this place… leaving him. And yet, it was time for her to disappear, find a place where Lacy couldn’t reach her. Now that Porter had fixed up her car, that was possible—ironic that it would also take herawayfrom him.

Cadence didn’t want to go. Every moment spent with Porter was bittersweet. She couldn’t even bring herself to kiss him goodbye.

Moaning, she pushed up from the couch and started to pack. There wasn’t much—food for the trip, things that she’d picked up here and there, the quilt that Porter had pushed on her, and those clothes from Lacy!

Her nose wrinkled at the reminder that he knew exactly where she was, but she packed them anyway, folding them neatly back into their boxes. She needed them until she figured out her money situation.

A knock sounded on the door. The next instant, the door was opening. Porter was behind it.

She jumped, but not fast enough to cover up what she was doing. And still, it didn’t give away that she was leaving.

Why had he just walked in?

For once, his face was unreadable as he took in the pile of boxes on the floor. He glanced up at her. “Where are you going?”

“Nowhere, I was just putting together my stuff and—”

He cut her off. “I know you’re leaving… Angel. Is it really Angel?”

She froze, her body feeling numb as she quickly lost the strength in her fingers followed by her arms and legs. This was exactly what she had feared would happen, and he did not look happy. How had he found out?

She cleared her throat. “It’s Cadence.”

“Cadence,” he tried out the name on his lips. “Such a beautiful name. I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t tell me that before.” Obviously he was being sarcastic.

“I-I thought you knew…before.”

“Because I was supposed to be my twin. Yeah, I get it. I got an interesting call from him, by the way. We talkedallabout Lacy Lynch.”

Nash must’ve told him everything! She nodded wordlessly. She felt weak with regret—she should’ve broken the news that she was pregnant to him before his twin did. It was just that she’d wanted to drag out their moments together before she had nothing left but memories to look back on. It was all over now. This would end on a sour note that she’d never be able to cleanse from her system.

“You’ve got nothing to say?” he asked. He stood in front of the door—the same beautiful man that she’d known from before, though his expression was darker with more rage than she’d ever seen in him. If she tried to run, he’d tell her exactly what he thought of her, and she knew that he’d be right.
