Page 11 of Deadly Obsession

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He paced his room, seething. Jack Dane had fled Vegas, and now he didn’t know where the guy was. That wasn’t acceptable. No, no it wasn’t. Jack was his, and he would make sure to punish the man for going into hiding.

Those songs were written for him, from Jack, like love notes, and one way or the other, he was going to show Jack that they were perfect for one another. The songs said so.

He just had to find out where Jack had run off to. The guy had taken off before he could plant a tracking device on his Mercedes, but this was just a minor setback. Sooner or later Jack would resurface, and when he did, nothing was going to stand in the way of their perfect life together.

Chapter Four

Jack tossed and turned, unable to sleep, even though he felt exhausted. He couldn’t stop thinking about the elevator ride, how he wanted to be close to Mendez, and how badly he’d wanted to reach out and touch the guy.

His attraction toward Mendez was only growing stronger. Maybe he could talk Mendez into finding him a one-night stand like Cal used to do. Something had to give. Jack was wound too tight, and releasing the tension with sex just might do the trick.

Now all Jack had to do was figure out how to broach the subject. It had been easier with Cal. He hadn’t even asked his bodyguard to find him a bed partner. Cal had been very observant. He’d caught Jack looking at other guys, though Jack had quickly looked away.

Clearly not fast enough if Cal had recognized what was going on. He’d been the one to approach Jack about discreet encounters. Not that Cal was gay, but he’d been with Jack for over three years, and they had bonded like best friends. As soon as they hit a town, Cal got to work finding someone for Jack. After a concert, Cal would sneak the guy into Jack’s room.

Of course Jack paid a crazy amount of cash to keep his trysts quiet, and Cal had been damn good at finding men who knew how to keep their mouths shut, for the right price.

But Jack hadn’t had sex in three months. The dry spell was really starting to get to him.

He wasn’t going to seek out hookups once they arrived in Willow Point. That was too close to home. Small-town people liked to gossip, and that was one thing Jack didn’t want getting out. He was pretty sure his mom and sister wouldn’t care, but the thought of coming out made Jack sweat like crazy.

“You okay?”

Jack turned at the concerned sound in Mendez’s voice. The guy was seated on his bed, his phone in his hand, as if he’d been scrolling through it, but now he was looking right at Jack.

Fuck. Why did Mendez have to make him so horny? He was exactly Jack’s type. Muscled, damn good-looking, with the most amazing dark gray eyes. Alpha male from the top of his shiny hair down to his booted feet.

Only Mendez had taken his boots off and seemed utterly relaxed with his back against the headboard. A picture of masculine beauty, and Jack wanted him with a need boarding on madness.

Finally, Jack sat up and ran a hand through his hair. The sun was already setting, giving the room a soft glow. He could probably talk better in the dark, where Jack’s desires were always hidden.

“Jack?” Mendez’s brows lowered. “Something wrong?”

Nothing a good stiff dick couldn’t cure. Jack ground his teeth. The words were stuck in his throat. How did one ask their security detail to find them a stud so he could get laid? Shit. Jack should have insisted on separate rooms. Even if he got up the nerve to ask Mendez, what was his bodyguard supposed to do while Jack was getting his freak on?

“Did you know Cal?” That wasn’t exactly what Jack had wanted to ask, but that was what came out.

“Yeah. We work for the same company. We’ve run into each other a few times, even did some gigs together. Why?”

Jack smoothed his hand over his blanket, dropping his gaze. “Did he ever say anything about me?”

“No,” Mendez said. “We take client confidentiality very seriously. If Cal had talked about his assignment with you to anyone but our boss, he would have been fired and sued. Why, did he do something that made you uncomfortable?”

There was a hint of hardness in Mendez’s tone.

“No.” Jack looked up. “Cal was the best.” He swallowed. “He sometimes ran personal errands for me.”

Mendez swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Did you need me to run one for you?”

God yes.

“I won’t leave you unprotected, but I can get someone else to get whatever you need.”

“No!” Shit, Jack was screwing this up. He pressed his hand to his stomach and forced himself to calm down. Maybe he should just forget about this whole thing, but his body refused to listen. Jack was on edge, needing release, and damn it, if client confidentiality was so important to Driscoll Security, then even if Jack asked and Mendez refused to find him a booty call, the guy couldn’t say anything to anyone.

Now Mendez was off the bed, standing over Jack. “What’s going on? Is it something I should be worried about?”

Jack licked his dry lips then slowly raised his gaze to stare at a guy who’d invaded a few of his dreams since he’d been hired. “What if I wanted you to get someone for me?”
