Page 13 of Deadly Obsession

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“You wish,” he whispered to himself. Maybe he should just forget this whole road-trip thing and head back to Vegas. If he called Huck to send his private jet, his manager would have it there in no time. Huck would jump at the chance to get him back.

But Jack wasn’t ready to go just yet. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to go to Willow Point anymore. Maybe he should drive to Memphis and use his downtime there. Alone as always. He felt so lost, like he was drifting along and his life was someone else’s. Like he was looking through a window, seeing himself performing live, yet it didn’t feel like him.

“Morose much?” He shook his head.

The bathroom door opened. Jack made sure to keep his gaze forward, ignoring Mendez. Jack would see how he felt come morning. If he still wanted to go to Willow Point, then that was where they would go. If he was done with this trip, Jack would go to Memphis.

“I have a counter-offer.”

Jack stiffened as he turned, shocked Mendez was so close to him. He hadn’t even heard or felt the guy approach. Hope flared inside of him. Was Mendez going to find him someone after all? “Go on.”

“You want complete discretion.”

Jack nodded. “That’s of utmost importance to me.”

Mendez chewed his lower lip. In the two weeks he’d been around Jack, Mendez had never looked uncertain. He was always a pillar of strength and control. All hard edges and confident.

“And my job is to protect you.” Mendez looked directly at Jack. “My offer is I’ll be your hookup.”

Jack’s jaw dropped as shock ricocheted through him. His brain short-circuited. Had he heard Mendez correctly? “You’re offering to sleep with me?”

Mendez shrugged. “It’s a win-win situation. You get what you need, and I don’t have to worry about the guys you’re with.”

“Are you even gay?” That was a dumb-ass question, but it had slipped out before Jack even knew he was going to ask it.

“Not that I go around advertising it, but yes.”

Jack’s body roared to life as he stared into Mendez’s sultry gray eyes. His dick was hard as granite. His pulse skyrocketed. “Doesn’t that cross some kind of line?”

“You stay safe and satisfied.” Mendez folded his arms over his chest. Jack drooled at how the guy’s biceps swelled when he did that. “If you’re worried about me becoming clingy, that’s not my style. I know how to separate business from pleasure, and I didn’t make the offer lightly.”

It sounded like the perfect setup. And, yes, the thought had crossed Jack’s mind of this becoming complicated. Mendez worked for him. He didn’t need the guy acting like his boyfriend. “I’ll still need to keep up appearances.”

Mendez’s eyes narrowed. “With Rachael?”

“Yeah. We’ve never had sex, but she’s never pushed the matter. She loves the perks enough to make up for the lack of intimacy.”

“Does she know you’re gay?”

Jack shrugged. “I never told her, but I think she’s smart enough to figure it out.”

Which was why Jack kept her happy. She had her own credit card to buy whatever she wanted, got to attend functions with him and be seen by prominent people, and traveled with him to exotic places whenever Jack toured there.

He’d broken it off with her because she’d started hinting at wanting more, a relationship with him, and that had scared the shit out of Jack. Although she was great to be around, never demanding or bitchy, he wouldn’t be able to get hard for her.

That was why he’d avoided her calls and luncheons with her. Jack didn’t want to feel cornered, or if she decided to blackmail him, he didn’t want to go down that road. He wasn’t even sure why he’d taken her call earlier.

Jack bit his lip when Mendez cupped his face. “So, what do you say? Deal?”

Now Jack was trembling again as he gave a slow nod, praying this didn’t come back to bite him on the ass.

* * * *

Mendez had been livid when Jack had asked him to scout for some pussy. He’d wanted to kill something and had barely held back his wolf. Then Jack had shocked the fuck out of him when he wanted Mendez to find him a guy.

A guy.

Jack was gay.
