Page 16 of Deadly Obsession

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He kissed Jack’s neck, curling around him as Jack fell asleep.

Chapter Five

Jack sat up as they reached the town limits of Willow Point. It had been years since he’d last been there, and now he was excited to see his mom and sister. He hadn’t even called and told them he was coming. He wanted it to be a surprise, but he also wanted to remind them that they had to keep quiet about his visit.

He didn’t want people banging on his mother’s door. Then again, Lena Dane would answer it with a shotgun if she thought anyone was there to bother him.

Jack guided Mendez to where she lived, still in disbelief that last night had actually happened. Of all the hookups Jack had ever had, being with Mendez had been the most intense. It was as if the guy had reached inside Jack’s head and knew exactly what he needed and delivered like a fucking champ.

His body still tingled from his explosive orgasm, and Jack wanted a repeat. But he had to keep things cool between them. He couldn’t let this get out of control. It was great having someone with him who could satisfy his needs, but Jack needed to remember that it was a simple agreement, a deal, not anything deeper.

So far Mendez had acted like it was no big deal. They’d gotten up this morning, showered separately, and then Mendez had checked them out of the hotel before storing their bags in the trunk. They’d talked about nothing of substance and stopped for breakfast. Only this time Mendez went inside and grabbed their orders, and then they found a pull-off where they could get out and eat.

Mendez hadn’t made things awkward between them, and the guy had no idea how thankful Jack was. He’d woken up this morning to find Mendez curled around him, and Jack had feared the guy would get clingy and possessive.

He hadn’t.

They pulled into his mom’s driveway, and Jack smiled. He’d tried to buy her a mansion, but she’d refused. Instead, she’d taken the money he’d sent her and made some improvements and expanded the back of the house.

It was a yellow cottage with white shutters and a pristine lawn, because Lean Dane prided herself on her yard and the row of flowers that lined the porch.

“Nice house,” Mendez said when he put the car in Park. “Picturesque.”

“Thanks.” Jack got out and walked to the front porch. Before he could knock, the door swung inward and his mom squealed, “Jackson Montgomery Dane! Is that really you, son?”

“Hey, Mama.” He enveloped her in a hug. “Thought I’d surprise you with a visit.”

She squeezed him back before he let her go. “Did I catch you at a good time?”

Tears prickled her eyes. “Anytime I can see your handsome face is always a good time.” She opened the door wider. Jack looked over his shoulder. “Mama, this is Mendez Grant. He’s my bodyguard.”

His mother frowned. “Do you need one of those to visit your family?”

Jack shrugged. “Comes with the territory.”

Mendez extended a hand. “A pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

His mother blushed. Jack didn’t blame her. Mendez was smoking hot.

And gay.

Talk about a fantasy come to life.

“You boys get in here. I just made my famous apple pie.” She ushered them in and took them right to the dining room. “Did you boys drive all the way here?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Jack said.

“Then you must be famished.”

That was one thing Jack loved about her. You never left Lena Dane’s house hungry. She brought the pie into the dining room and set in on the table, then she went back to grab plates.

“I can help,” Mendez offered as he started to stand.

“Oh, shoo. You’re a guest, Mr. Grant. I’ll not have you doing anything but relaxing.” She cut them both a generous slice and served them their plates.

Damn it smelled delicious. “Thanks, Mama.”

“And call me Mendez,” Mendez said.
