Page 18 of Deadly Obsession

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Mendez walked to the side of the house, put his hands on his hips, and blew out a breath. He thought he could keep things casual between them, but seeing Jack with his mother had hit a chord inside him.

Yeah, his mother had died, after she’d been shot when she was in her wolf form. Fucking poachers had thought it would be a sport to kill a wolf. Mendez had showed them the errors of their ways.

Violently and without prejudice. That hadn’t appeased him like he’d thought it would, and it didn’t ease the ache in his heart, but at least his mother had gotten justice.

But he was in Willow Point, and he needed to call Grey Matthews to let the alpha know he was in town. Standard protocol when in an alpha’s territory. A lot of preternatural beings lived in town and weren’t a part of Grey’s pack, but they were under the man’s protection, so Mendez wanted to make his presence known.

He pulled out his phone and called as he looked around. He didn’t expect any trouble, but with someone as famous as Jack was, one never knew.

“Grey Matthews.”

“Hey, Grey. It’s Mendez Grant.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. I haven’t talked to you in years. How are things going?”

That was what Mendez loved about Grey. The guy wasn’t an asshole like a lot of alphas were, letting their title go to their heads. Grey was down to earth and genuinely a nice guy, until you pissed him off. “I’m in town for a few days, so I wanted to let you know I was here. I’m at Lena Dane’s house.”

“Feisty woman,” Grey said with a chuckle. “I take it you’re here with Jack Dane.”

Mendez knew Grey wouldn’t turn into a fanboy. That wasn’t the man’s style. He just wanted to know so he could keep the peace and help keep Jack safe while he was in town. “Yes, sir. He was homesick and wanted to see his family. Sorry I didn’t call before now to give you a heads-up.”

It sounded as if Grey had leaned back in a chair from the squeaky sound. “Not a problem. Thank you for following protocol. Is there anything either of you need?”

Mendez had to disclose the crazy fan, although he doubted the guy knew where they were. Just in case, because if shit hit the fan and Mendez didn’t tell Grey about a potential threat, his ass would be in a sling. So he explained about the guy to Grey.

“That’s expected in his line of work. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll have my pack keep an eye out for trouble. You both enjoy your stay.”

“Thanks.” Mendez hung up and pocketed his phone. He hadn’t told Jack or Huck that he didn’t have a good feeling about the obsessive fan. Mendez couldn’t put his finger on it, but his gut told him to stay on alert. How the guy would find Jack was a good question since they hadn’t told anyone where they were going, but a determined person always found a way.

Too bad Mendez hadn’t been the one to find the letters. He could have scented the paper so he would know that scent if the crazed fan was around. But they had been handled by too many people by the time his boss had shown them to him.

Speaking of… Mendez pulled his phone back out and called his boss to let him know where they were. It was one thing to keep Huck in the dark, but Ian Driscoll was a stickler for the rules.

“About time you called me,” Ian said when he answered. “Tell me things are kosher on your end, because Huck Waterson keeps calling me for an update on finding you.”

Ian didn’t sound pissed. He wasn’t a man who ruffled easily. “No, sir. This was Jack Dane’s call. I just followed my client.”

“That’s a relief. I didn’t doubt you for a second, but it’s good to have it confirmed. How long are you two going to be gone?”

“I’m not sure. Jack is calling the shots. I’m thinking a few days. He just needed some downtime.”

“I can imagine.”

Mendez chewed his lower lip. “There’s something else.”

“You have my attention,” Ian said.

“Jack is my mate.”

Now Ian cursed up a storm, his calm composure shot to hell. “Jesus,” Ian said. “Do you know how complicated that makes things?”

“Tell me about it.” Mendez walked toward the backyard. “He’s high profile, and our kind likes to stay in the dark.”

Not literally. More and more preternatural had prominent jobs, were in the spotlight. They just guarded their secret jealously.

“Shit.” Ian sighed. “There’s nothing you can do about it. We all know how precious mates are, and good luck fighting this.” Ian tapped on his keyboard. “I would reassign you, but I know that isn’t going to happen.”

“Not a chance, sir.” Not a chance in hell was Mendez leaving Jack’s protection to anyone else. “Any more letters?”
