Page 19 of Deadly Obsession

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“Yeah, two more. The guy is pissed that Jack left town. I’m not sure how he knows, but Huck had the letters faxed to me. He said they came today to Jack’s hotel room.”

Mendez cursed. “Not his house?”

“No, which tells me he’s escalated to stalking instead of penning his delusions and sitting at home. He’s more than your garden variety nut, Mendez. If he could find out where Jack was staying in Vegas, he might be able to find where you two have gone.”

“We’re in Willow Point. I’m respectfully asking you not to tell Huck. Jack wants to rest, not be harassed by his manager.”

“I won’t say a word, but that means Jack’s stalker could do a hard search and find out where his mother lives. Watch your back, Mendez, and keep your mate safe.” Ian sighed. “You sure do know how to borrow trouble.”

“It was fate, not me, sir.” Like Mendez wanted a high-profile mate. It was any nonhuman’s worst nightmare. The number-one rule of preternatural was to keep their existence a secret at all costs. Mendez had never had an issue before, but now he was guarding his mate, and after he claimed Jack? Mendez would be lethal for two weeks afterward, going through what their kind referred to as their honeymoon period.

If any males came near Jack, Mendez might not be able to stop himself from attacking. Yeah, this was a clusterfuck of a storm waiting to happen.

“Yeah, I know. Let me know if you need backup. I can send some guys down there to help out.”

“Got Grey Matthews’ pack already on it, sir.”

“Smart move, but I still want to be kept in the loop. Understand? He’s more than just a client now, Mendez. We protect our mates.”

Not that Ian had found his, at least Mendez didn’t think he had. Ian was closed off, and no one who worked for him knew anything personal when it came to their boss. Even so, Mendez never regretted working for him. It was a great gig that paid handsomely. Ian hadn’t lost a client yet, and Mendez wasn’t going to let anything happen to his mate. “I’m on it, sir.”

“Call me if you need me.” Ian hung up.

Mendez hoped he didn’t need to call Ian. They were going to be in town for only a few days, and Mendez prayed all stayed quiet.

* * * *

Ian Driscoll got up from his desk and waved Jesse Hart into his office. Ian hadn’t gotten to where he was by making mistakes. Things might be fine while Jack visited his mother, but if Mendez claimed the human, all hell might break loose.

How did he know that Mendez hadn’t done it yet? Ian was going on a hunch, but he could be wrong.

“Need something, boss?” Jesse asked as he strode in.

“Might have a situation.” He told Jesse about the mess Mendez was in. “I need you to head down there. Keep your presence hidden. I’ll clear the way for you by calling the local alpha.”

Normally Ian left notifications up to his men whenever they were in a claimed territory, which was tricky at times since their jobs took them around the world. But Ian would call Grey Matthews personally since Jack was Mendez’s mate. That made this personal for Mendez, and shit would definitely hit the fan if anything was to happen to Jack Dane.

Since Ian wanted to avoid that, he picked up his phone to make the call.

Chapter Six

McKenna squealed as she tackled Jack and laughed. “I can’t believe you’re really here! I thought we’d have to come to you if we wanted to see you.” She planted a big kiss on Jack’s cheek. “Heard about your world tour. How did that go? What places did you see? Bring me anything from exotic locations?”

Jack chuckled as he hugged his sister then let her go. “I just needed a few days to myself to unwind and missed you guys. The tour was fun, but exhausting. I’m not naming every place I performed, and sorry, Mickie, I didn’t know I would be here, so I didn’t bring you anything.”

She smacked his arm. “You brought yourself, so that’s good enough for me.”

McKenna glanced at Mendez, who had faded into the background, allowing Jack to visit with his sister. One of her brows arched. “And who are you, handsome?”

“McKenna!” His mom shook her head. “He’s Jack’s bodyguard and off-limits since he’s working. Behave yourself.”

Mendez moved forward and shook McKenna’s hand. She looked as if she’d faint any second. Jack knew how she felt. “Mendez Grant, ma’am.”

“McKenna will do just fine, or Mickie,” she said. “My mama is a ma’am. I’m too young for that title.” She turned to Jack. “Why is he working while you’re here? Are you in trouble?”

“It’s my job,” Mendez said. “Act like I’m not even here.”

Like that could ever happen. Jack doubted anyone could ignore Mendez.
