Page 20 of Deadly Obsession

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“You’re too sexy to ignore,” she teased.

“McKenna Lily Dane!” His mom looked exasperated. “If you can’t behave, then I’m sending you home.”

Just like Jack, McKenna was a natural flirt. She meant nothing by it. Being a flirt was just in their genes.

Jack looked over at Mendez. The guy seemed to be enjoying this if his smile was any indication. He hadn’t smiled in the past two weeks, yet he’d done it a few times since arriving here. It seemed Jack wasn’t the only one who needed this family. He liked Mendez’s smile. It made him ten times more handsome, if that were even possible.

“You’re not kicking me out as long as Jack’s here, but fine, I’ll behave.” McKenna looked put out as she grabbed Jack’s arm and pulled him toward the back porch. Mendez was on his feet following them, quietly, trying not to be intrusive.

His mom didn’t say anything about Mendez walking out. She knew Jack was famous, knew he needed protection, though, again, she doubted he needed it at home. Still, she went about finishing dinner as McKenna dragged him outside.

Mendez walked farther away, pretending to be interested in a nearby tree. Jack had a feeling that the guy could jump into action in the blink of an eye if he had to.

His sister sat them down on the wicker loveseat. She looked over her shoulder before she turned back to Jack. “I met someone.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “Then why were you hitting on Mendez?”

She laughed. “Because he’s hot and it’s fun.” Then her smile softened. “The guy I met is, um, different.”

Jack wasn’t following. “What do you mean different? Like a different race? You know we don’t care about that, Mickie.”

Willow Point was a melting pot of people. They were all welcome. It had been like that as far back as Jack could remember. That was one of the many things that made this town so great.

“I’d like you to meet him before you leave.” She grabbed his hand. “It would mean a lot to me.”

“Why are you keeping your voice down?” Jack asked. “Are you hiding this from Mom? Why?”

Jack glanced toward Mendez. Although the guy wasn’t looking at them, he had a feeling Mendez was listening. Jack was going to ask him to run a background check on whoever McKenna was dating. He normally wouldn’t do something like that, but he didn’t like the fact that she was hiding the guy from their mother.

“It’s complicated.”

“How?” If she told him the guy was married, Jack would lose his shit. He didn’t think his sister was the type to date a married man, but Jack knew the heart was a tricky fucker. He’d never been in love himself, but he was strongly attracted to Mendez, and in another life, he could see himself being happy with the guy.

“Just meet him and then I’ll explain.” She kissed his cheek. He always melted when she did that, and McKenna knew it. The brat was just softening him up to keep her secret. Jack mentally snorted. Like you aren’t keeping a few yourself.

“Okay, enough of that. How’s everything going? From the way Mom talked, I thought your girlfriend would come with you.”

Jack grimaced. The only reason they knew about her was because his mom kept harping on him to find a woman and settle down. Now Jack wished he’d never told them. But it wasn’t as if he could’ve hidden the fact since Rachael walked the red carpet with him and had been recorded or photographed with Jack at many functions.

“Everything is going fine. Rachael couldn’t make it.” Jack wanted to change the subject. “When am I going to meet this mystery man?”

“After dinner.” McKenna hugged him. “It’s so good to have you home, even if it’s just a couple of days.”

They went back inside, Jack sniffing the smells permeating the kitchen as he put the odd conversation out of his mind for now.

Two hours later McKenna said she had to go. She gave Jack a look that said to follow her. Jack stood. “I’m gonna go for a ride in the countryside.”

“Take Mendez with you.” His mom laughed. “Have fun.”

Jack walked out, Mendez right behind him. When they were clear of the house, McKenna turned to him. “Meet me at the lake. The one we used to sneak to when we were teenagers. Do you remember where that is?”

How could he forget? All the high school kids used to hang out there. Jack remembered more than one night of getting wasted and faking it with some girl so he didn’t look out of place while everyone else was necking.

They’d also used the lake for swimming. Many a hot summer night he and McKenna had gone there to cool off since their home hadn’t had any air conditioning. The last time he’d visited and nearly drowned in his own sweat, he’d called an HVAC company while he was there and had central air installed.

“Yeah. I remember where the lake is.” Jack nodded, and then he watched her get into her car and drive away. “As soon as we have the guy’s name, run a background check.”

“Already thought of that.” Mendez opened the car door for Jack, then shut it when Jack climbed in. He thought he’d have to tell the guy how to get to the lake, but Mendez knew. Duh, he’d lived there, too.
