Page 21 of Deadly Obsession

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“I don’t like that she’s keeping this guy a secret. I mean I know that sounds hypocritical, but she’s my baby sister. It’s my job to be the asshole older brother when it comes to the men she dates.”

Jack had done it more than once when they were teenagers, intimidating the guys she brought home. McKenna was two years younger than him, and when she’d turned fourteen Jack had nearly lost his shit when she started dating boy. She hadn’t been allowed to date at that age, but stopping a teenager from going against what they were told was damn near impossible.

“Your situation is different.” Mendez drove with confidence on the winding back roads. It was dark out now, only his headlights to show him the way. “You have a lot at stake.”

So why did Jack feel bad for saying Mendez was his bodyguard? He should have at least said friend, too. After all, they’d shared a hot night together, even if they hadn’t fucked. But their intimacy was brand-new, so Jack didn’t feel it appropriate to announce it. Not that he would, but he shouldn’t be feeling so guilty that he’d treated Mendez like an employee in front of his family.

The guy had hardly said a word at dinner, even though his mom and McKenna tried to engage him. Mendez had even tried to refuse to sit down, but Lena had insisted. Jack had said that he didn’t want any entanglements, and he meant that, but did Mendez have to be so reserved?

When he looked at Mendez’s profile, Jack’s breath caught. How could anyone look that good?

He pushed his thoughts away when they reached the lake. Jack spotted McKenna and some guy by their cars. The two were making out, for Christ sake. Jack didn’t want to see that, and his sister knew they were coming.

Mendez parked a few spots down and got out. Jack joined him before they walked over. McKenna’s boyfriend was tall and buff and also damn good-looking. He had hazel eyes, the same as McKenna and Jack. His hair was dark, and he had a day’s worth of growth on his jaw.

“Jack, this is Taylor. Taylor, this is my brother, Jack.” McKenna looked nervous, and Jack had no clue why. He didn’t see how Taylor was different, as his sister had stated.

Until Taylor’s chest vibrated with a snarl, the same way Mendez’s did when the guy was pissed about something. Taylor glared at Mendez as he shoved McKenna behind him.

Jack saw red. He shot forward, shoving Mendez’s hand off his arm. “What the fuck, man? If I ever see you disrespecting my sister like that again, I swear to god, I’ll cut your fucking nuts off!”

“Jack,” McKenna said from behind Taylor. “It’s not what you think.”

“How?” Jack demanded. “He just tossed you behind him like a ragdoll.”

Taylor glared at Jack then swung his gaze to Mendez. “Leash your boy.”

Mendez curled his fingers around Jack’s upper arm and pulled him back. Jack swatted at Mendez’s hand. “I got this. I don’t need you defending me.” He turned back to Taylor, glaring at the jackass. “Fuck you. Nobody leashes me, especially when it comes to my sister.”

“Jack.” Mendez said his name in warning. “We’ve talked about you obeying me.”

Jack glared at Mendez. “Screw that. Did you see the way he just treated her?”

“Jack, stop it.” McKenna came from behind Taylor, and Taylor once again shoved her behind him. “Oh my god!” She dodged Taylor’s hand and glared at all of them. “Stop acting like Neanderthals!”

Jack looked between Taylor and Mendez. They were sizing each other up, but that wasn’t what struck him as odd. It was the growls they were exchanging. What in the hell was going on? Did the two know and hate each other? Mendez was from Willow Point, so it was possible. But Jack still couldn’t get over the animalistic sounds they were making.

McKenna pinched the bridge of her nose. “Jack, I wanted you to meet Taylor because he’s my mate.”

Mendez’s head jerked back, and then he took a few steps back. That seemed to pacify Taylor, but not by much. They were still throwing hard glares, but the growling had stopped.

Mendez looked Taylor over. “Pussy cat.”

Taylor smirked. “Doggie breath.”

McKenna turned to Taylor. “First, please stop that. Second, I’m going to walk with Jack over by the water. He’s my brother, so don’t kill him.”

That earned another growl from Mendez. McKenna studied him for a moment, then glanced at Jack. “Is he…?”

Mendez nodded.

Jack was completely lost. “Am I what?”

“He doesn’t know?” McKenna asked Mendez.

“Know what?” Jack snarled. “Will you guys stop talking code and tell me what in the hell is going on?”

His sister grabbed his hand and yanked him toward a large tree that sat by the lake. She turned to him and sighed. “This isn’t easy to explain, but I wanted somewhere isolated in case you go nuclear.”
