Page 27 of Deadly Obsession

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“Not to bite you.” He lifted his head and stared into Jack’s hazel eyes. “I might not be able to stop myself.”

It was the truth. Mendez had told himself that he could have sex with Jack without claiming him, but the proof that he wasn’t in control was the fact that his canines had elongated without him even realizing it.

“Take off your underwear.” Jack shoved at his chest.

After slipping his fingers free, Mendez dropped to his back, slid his underwear down his legs, then kicked them the rest of the way off.

Jack straddled his waist.

Mendez frowned. “You’re supposed to be resting.”

His mate planted his palms against Mendez’s chest. Fuck. Jack looked so perfect sitting atop him. Mendez’s heart hurt at just how gorgeous the man truly was. His buttermilk-blond hair fell into his eyes, making him appear even sexier, more ruggedly handsome.

“This is a big decision, so right now, I have to be the one in control, Mendez. If I don’t want you to bite, I can keep you pinned down.”

Mendez wasn’t going to argue that he was ten times stronger than the human. That he could easily overpower Jack. His mate needed to feel in charge, and although that went against Mendez’s dominant personality, he knew how important this was for both of them.

* * * *

It was a drugging feeling to have such a powerful man beneath him. In his everyday life, Jack was in control, shouldering a lot of responsibilities. But in the bedroom, he liked to hand over the reins, to let someone else be in charge for once.

It wasn’t until his last sexual encounter with a guy Cal had hooked him up with that Jack started to understand his need to be dominated. Mason—Jack wasn’t even sure if that was the guy’s real name—had refused to let Jack come until he gave his permission. That had been the first time anyone had ever done that to him.

Some men were in awe that they were sleeping with Jack Dane. Others were generous lovers but were only in it for the sex. Just as Jack had been.

With Mendez? Jack’s excitement always shot sharply through his body, almost making it hard to breathe. He craved more of that dominance that Mason had shown him, wanting it badly.

But Jack had been telling the truth a moment ago. This was a huge decision, and he still wasn’t sure what he should do. He didn’t want to feel as if he was using Mendez, like so many people had used him over the years. It wasn’t a gratifying feeling, and it had always left Jack feeling cold inside.

“Did you change your mind?” Mendez rested his hands on Jack’s hips. “It’s okay if you have. I know you’re tired.”

Jack was but not enough to pull away.

Mendez planted his feet and bent his legs, giving Jack something to rest against, as if knew just how weary Jack was.

“Drop me on a stage, in an interview, in a recording studio, and I shine.” Jack pressed his palms against Mendez’s rigid stomach. The man was so in shape, his body a masterpiece. Jack was no slouch, but he didn’t work out the way Mendez obviously did. “But in the bedroom…”

Mendez slid his hands down Jack’s thighs. “You don’t want the responsibilities. You just want to get lost in the pleasure. You want someone else calling the shots.”

Jack nodded. He thought he could do this, tame a wild beast, but in fact, he wanted that wild beast to tame him. He didn’t want to think, just do as he was told. That went against his personality, but Jack guessed everyone had numerous facets of themselves. He was starting to discover the many layers that made him who he was.

Mendez circled his hands around Jack’s wrists and gave a gentle tug. Jack went forward, resting his hands on the man’s chest. “Lift your ass.”

Jack obeyed as he sucked in a breath laced with searing heat. Mendez gripped the base of his cock, pressing the head against Jack’s hole. “Go as slow as you need to, but don’t rush this. If you become too tired, you better let me know.”

“Okay.” Jack pressed his teeth into his bottom lip as he nudged his ass against Mendez’s cock, testing, teasing himself. Then he inched down and whimpered as the head popped inside of him. Thank fuck Mendez had stretched Jack while giving him head.

Mendez’s fingers gripped Jack’s thighs. The gray in his eyes turned as dark as midnight, his canines still showing, but not as long as they’d been before. Jack was mesmerized by them as they gleamed with the moonlight spilling into the room. They were deadly, yet so damn beautiful, casting Mendez in a spellbinding light.

“You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock.” Mendez’s eyelids shuttered to half-mast. “You can take more, Jack.”

After blowing out a breath, Jack sank down, drawing out the sensations whiplashing through him. Mendez’s hands slid up to Jack’s hips, a tight hold as he slowly moved upward, as if wanted to draw this out too.

Then his hips lowered, and Jack’s lips parted, his breath catching, but his gaze kept going back to those canines. One bite and he would forever belong to Mendez. To this gorgeous, wild man who wasn’t even human.

A predator. An alpha-male who would protect him no matter what. Who would make all of Jack’s fantasies come to life. Jack wanted that more than anything, to finally have someone he could trust in his corner, to wipe out his loneliness.

But he was afraid. He’d never let anyone have that much control over him, and Jack knew Mendez wasn’t going to take a backseat when it came to what mattered most. Not only did he have to trust that Mendez would keep his secret, but Mendez would have to trust Jack to keep his. They both had too much to lose if those secrets came to light. And that thought turned the tide on his decision.
