Page 29 of Deadly Obsession

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Mendez eased out of him and dropped down, pulling Jack over his chest as his strong arms wrapped around him. He lay there listening to Mendez’s heartbeat. It was fast and the guy was sweaty, but Jack didn’t care.

“Mine,” Mendez murmured as he traced his fingers over Jack’s back.

Jack wanted to look up, to see the expression on Mendez’s face, but he was too nervous to look.

“What’s going through that gorgeous head of yours?” Mendez squeezed his arms tight before he loosened them.

“A lot of things.” Jack pressed his palm over one of Mendez’s swollen pecs. “In just a few short days, my life…” Jack chuckled. “My life is insane.”

Mendez’s chest jerked as he softly laughed. “It’s definitely been a ride where you have to hold on with both hands.”

“Yeah.” Jack cuddled closer. “Now what?”

“Now you enjoy your vacation and get sex anytime you want it. You’ve got a bodyguard who would kill for you, and you have a concert in under five weeks.”

“Sounds about right.” Jack looked up at Mendez. “Don’t forget my crazy stalker.”

Mendez’s eyes grew dark. “You let me worry about him. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

“Does this mean we’ll be in Willow Point for the next two weeks?” Jack liked coming home to visit, enjoyed being with his family, but now he was homesick for Memphis. His home. Their home.

Mendez brushed his fingers through Jack’s hair. “What do you want to do?”

“Would I sound flighty if I wanted to go home?”

“Your mom’s?”

Jack shook his head. “Home.”

Mendez sighed. “I think you should spend a few days with your mom. You can’t show up at her door then take off the next day. That’s not fair to her, and besides, I think you need to talk with McKenna. She needs to know you’re okay with everything that’s happened.”

Jack glanced away. He wanted to talk to her, but he’d been keeping his secret for so long that he wasn’t sure he could face her, even if she’d said she didn’t care that he was gay.

“Hey.” Mendez gripped Jack’s chin and made him turn his head. “I’ll be right there with you, but that’s your sister, and she loves you, no matter what.”

“I know.” Jack laid his head back down on Mendez’s chest. “I’ll call her tomorrow morning and we can have lunch together.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Mendez pulled Jack higher and kissed him, and damn if Jack didn’t feel that deep bond the guy was talking about.

“Mates,” Jack said when the kiss ended.

“Mates.” Mendez smiled.

Jack could be wrong, but damn if that didn’t look like love in Mendez’s dark gray eyes.

Chapter Eight

Jack was nervous as McKenna took a seat across from him. She wore a bright yellow dress, and her blonde hair brushed over her shoulders in thick waves. His sister was truly beautiful, and Taylor was a lucky man to have her.

“I’m so glad you called,” she said with a huge smile. “I’m sorry if I freaked you out last night. That wasn’t my intention.”

“I know.” Jack reached across the table and squeezed her hand. Mendez and Taylor were in a booth across from them. Jack knew they were both very dangerous right now, but fuck that. He and McKenna were siblings, and no honeymoon period or lethal shifters was going to keep them apart.

“You look a lot better.” She smiled. “Did you, um…” Her face caught fire. “Not that I want details, I was just wondering if you two were bound.”

“Jesus.” Jack laughed. “Nosy much?”

“Jack.” McKenna rolled her eyes. “You know I don’t care that your mate is a guy, right? The only reason I assumed you were gay was because Taylor told me that fate never got it wrong. If your mate is a guy, then you’re gay. Or was I mistaken and you’re straight and trying to deal with this revelation?”
