Page 34 of Deadly Obsession

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He grabbed his phone off the island and called Huck. His manager picked up on the first ring. “Tell me you’re back in town.”

“I’m at home. Some fuckwad broke in and trash my home studio.”

“Is Mendez with you?” The irritation in Huck’s voice vanished. He sounded genuinely concerned. The guy might be high-strung, all about business, but Jack knew, deep down, he cared. In his own way.

“Yes. He’s on the phone with the home security company. The bastard who broke in fucked my guitar collection to hell and damn near ripped the sound booth door off the hinges. Those fucking guitars were priceless to me.”

Jack wanted to rip the intruder’s head from his shoulders. He hadn’t been this pissed off in a very long time. He hadn’t even been this level of angry when he found out what was going on right under his nose with Mendez. Yeah, he’d punched the guy, but Jack had felt more guilt than anger over that.

“Okay, calm down,” Huck said. “Have the police file a report and see if anything is missing.”

“Do you think it was that crazed fan?”

Huck sighed. “I honestly don’t know. Another letter came while you were on the jet. The guy is becoming more and more unhinged, Jack. You need more than one man in your security detail at home.”

As much as Jack agreed, he knew that wasn’t an option. They were in their honeymoon period, and Jack knew how lethal Mendez was right now.

“Mendez will do.”

“Jack, you’re being unreasonable. Your safety comes first. Let me send more men to your house.”

“No.” Jack sat back down at the table and leaned one arm on the surface. “I’ll have the local PD do sweeps of the area every thirty minutes, and Mendez is more than enough inside the house.”

Huck made a noise that said he wasn’t happy. “I’m flying there.”

“No. I’m still on my downtime, Huck. I’m going to relax for the next two weeks, and then you can schedule me for whatever before my concert. I’m exhausted and won’t do anyone any good until I recharge.”

“Fine. Two weeks, Jack. What about the Vegas contract?”

God, Jack’s house had been broken into, and Huck was still all about business. There were days when he wanted to wring the man’s neck. “We’ll talk later about that.”

“See you in two weeks. Until then, stick to Mendez’s side. If that sick fuck gets anywhere near you, tell Mendez to put a fucking bullet between his eyes.”


“Pissed,” Huck admitted. “I’m serious, Jack. The guy is unstable and fixated on you. Don’t take any chances.”

“I won’t. Bye, Huck.” Jack hung up and tossed his phone onto the table. He looked over at Mendez just as his mate hung up his phone.

“They’re going over the footage, but it’s gonna take a while since you haven’t been here in over six months. They said no alarms were tripped. No sensors went off.”

Well, fuck. That wasn’t reassuring. “Huck wants to send more security personnel.”

Mendez narrowed his eyes.

Jack held up his hand. “I told him you were enough. I didn’t want a bloodbath in our house.”

Five minutes later the police arrived. Jack made sure to give them a wide berth as he led them to his studio, hating the fact that, once again, it was being invaded.

Chapter Nine

Mendez stood in the shadows, his legs apart, his hands clasped in front of him as he looked around. Jack was nearly done with his interview, and it amazed him how his mate had transformed into a different persona as soon as he’d entered the building.

Over the past two weeks they’d had more sex than Mendez had had in decades. Not that he was complaining, especially since Jack had broken out his toys. Mendez had developed kinks in places he didn’t even know could cramp, but he’d loved every second of it.

While at home, Jack had been docile in the bedroom, a fucking dream come true. In other parts of the house, he’d been quiet and contemplative. Mendez had arranged for Jack’s in-home studio to be repaired once the room had been dusted for prints. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything Mendez could do about his guitar collection, and that pissed him off because he saw how distraught his mate had been over losing them.

Once repaired, Jack spent at least half the day in that room while Mendez relaxed. At least he tried to, but he was always on alert, fuming that someone had invaded Jack’s domain.
