Page 35 of Deadly Obsession

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The security company hadn’t found anything on the footage. It was as if a ghost had been there, but Mendez knew in his gut that it was the crazed fan. How he’d pulled off not being on camera was a mystery that Mendez wanted to solve.

Now it was back to business, and after Jack’s interview, they were heading to his doctor’s office. Mendez was sure the cancer was gone, but a tiny part of him worried. What if something had gone wrong and his saliva hadn’t healed Jack? Mendez had never heard of such a thing happening after a mating, but fuck, one could never be too certain. Right?

Mendez knew he was just being paranoid, letting his fear of losing his mate get the better of him, but Jack had become everything to him, and when you cared that much about someone, loved them that much, doubt always crept into your mind.

Yes, Mendez had fallen deeply in love with mate but had yet to tell him. Why? Fuck if Mendez knew. Maybe after the doctor visit, he would feel a hell of a lot better.

The camera shut off, the overhead microphones were pulled away, and Jack stood from the director’s chair and stretched. He shook hands with the guy who’d interviewed him, laughed, talked for a moment, then headed toward Mendez. Thank heavens the honeymoon period was over, though Mendez still snarled when males were near his mate.

Mendez was still in awe of just how gorgeous Jack was. Blond hair, sparkling hazel eyes, lean, with a day’s growth of whiskers on his face. He had perfect lips, made for kissing and sucking cock, and Mendez’s dick jerked in his pants.

Down, boy.

“It feels good to get back to normal,” Jack said as he approached. “Now I’m starving.”

“Don’t forget about your appointment.” Mendez led the way as they headed for the exit. He normally didn’t mention Jack’s schedule. He had a personal assistant for that, but in order to get his nerves under control, Mendez wanted those tests results.

“I was thinking about rescheduling.”

Mendez kept going until he had Jack safely inside the car. When the driver lifted the privacy glass and pulled away, Mendez turned to his mate. “You’re not rescheduling, Jack. This is important.”

“I feel fine. My body doesn’t even hurt anymore.” He sat back, resting his elbow on the door and resting his chin against his hand.

“Look.” Mendez swiped his fingers through his hair. “I know you’re worried that my ‘cure’ didn’t work, and honestly, so am I, but ignoring this isn’t going to make it go away.”

Mendez had already spoken to the driver while Jack had been giving his interview. Charles, Jack’s longtime employee, was to take them to the hospital where Jack’s doctor was supposed to meet them. Mendez had already spoken to Dr. Pratt over the phone, explaining about Jack’s visit to Dr. Chastine in Vegas and the tests results.

Dr. Pratt had agreed to meet them right away. Mendez might have crossed the line about making the call, but this was his mate’s life, and Jack could be pissed all he wanted to be. Mendez wasn’t budging on this.

Jack hadn’t been pissed. He’d grown quiet when Mendez had told him this morning about the appointment. Now he looked reflective as he gazed out the tinted window.

“Call Dr. Pratt and tell him the tests aren’t necessary.” Jack shot a glance at him, wearing a look that said he dared Mendez to argue with him.

Mendez ground his teeth. It was one thing for Jack to look at others that way, but to have that expression turned on him pissed Mendez off. He remained in the background when Jack was handling business. Mendez had promised not to interfere unless he felt Jack was in danger, but there was no way he was backing down when it came to his health.

Jack hit the button to lower the privacy glass. “Charles, take us to—”

“The hospital.” Mendez snarled the words and hit the button to raise the glass.

“What the fuck?” Jack glared at him. When he spoke again, his voice was an angry whisper. “There’s only one place where you call the shots, and it doesn’t look like we’re in the bedroom. I told you before that you’re not my nanny or nagging manager, so back the hell off.”

Mendez shot across the seat. “I swear to fucking god, if you don’t go see Dr. Pratt, I’ll throw you over my goddamn knee right now and spank that gorgeous ass of yours.”

Jack’s eyes widened, his gaze flickering to the front of the car before he looked back at Mendez. “You wouldn’t.”

“In a heartbeat,” Mendez snarled.

Their gazes clashed, hazel flames in Jack’s eyes, but he’d clamped his mouth shut. Mendez eased back then moved to the seat opposite Jack’s.

“You’re a real pain in my ass,” Jack muttered.

Mendez had learned a lot about his mate over the past few weeks. When Jack was scared, he lashed out, just like he’d done at the lake. Just like he’d done when he discovered his studio was trashed.

Just like he was doing now.

There was nothing Mendez wanted more than to pull Jack into his arms and comfort him, but they’d agreed no PDA whatsoever. Now Mendez was starting to regret that decision.

He fully understood Jack’s fear of coming out. When someone was as world-wide famous as he was, that wasn’t a decision to make lightly. Mendez was also starting to learn about the entertainment industry, country music especially.
