Page 36 of Deadly Obsession

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A lot of good ol’ boys and a lot of grounded faith that was against homosexuality. The world was changing as far as tolerance, but it wasn’t changing fast enough. What would those starry-eyed teenagers in the diner think if they found out their heartthrob preferred men?

Huck hadn’t said one word about Jack having a male stalker who professed his love for the country singer. To Huck, it was just another nutjob in a sea of lunatics.

Hell, there were even homophobes in Mendez’s species. Shifters or vampires or even demons who thought it disgusting when males mated males. They kept their opinions in the dark, because everyone knew you didn’t pick your mate—fate did—but that didn’t stop them from having an opinion.

An opinion they could shove up their asses sideways. It was true that most didn’t bat an eye at the gender of a mate, but some did.

Mendez had never hidden who he was because he didn’t care what people thought of him. But Jack? He understood his mate’s fear.

They stopped glaring at each other when Jack’s phone rang. He pulled it from his back pocket as he looked away from Mendez and answered. “Jack.”

His mate smiled.

Mendez could hear the conversation, though he looked away, wishing he could give the man some privacy. It wasn’t possible in the closed confines of the car.

“Hey, brat.” Jack chuckled. “Miss me already?”

“Always,” McKenna said. “Mama is a little down that you left, but I dragged her to my salon and pampered her. Then we did a little shopping.”

“You know I hate to hear that she gets upset when I leave,” Jack said.

“She’s got her mind on something else now, Jackson.”

Mendez heard the excitement in McKenna’s voice.

“Yeah, and what’s that?” Jack grinned. Mendez saw the love in his mate’s eyes and was glad Jack had a bond with his family. Mendez really liked Lena and McKenna. They were people who had their feet planted firmly on the ground and didn’t gush over Jack when he was around them.

To them, he was just a son and brother.

“The fact she’s going to be a grandmother.”

Jack’s jaw dropped, and Mendez smiled. “No shit!”

She laughed. “No shit. Anyway, you know how it is with me and Taylor, but he agreed to have a wedding for mama’s sake. We were thinking of a fall ceremony, but we still need to pin down an actual date. When we do, you better make sure you don’t have anything else scheduled. I want you there, Jackson.”

“Nothing on earth could keep me away.” Jack chuckled. “Fuck, congratulations. I’m gonna be an uncle!”

“Between Taylor, mama, and you, the kid’s going to be spoiled rotten.”

“Damn straight,” Jack said. “I wish I was there.”

“Me, too, but I understand you have a career that you love.”

“Love my baby sister even more.” Jack’s voice had grown soft. “Taylor better take damn good care of you. Tell him he better wait on you hand and foot while you’re carrying his baby.”

McKenna snorted. “He’s already trying to carry me around everywhere so I can stay off my feet, and I’m only five weeks!”

Jack laughed.

“The baby will be here before we’re married, though.”

Jack frowned.

“Have Mendez explain that to you since I don’t want to talk about that over the phone.”

Jack’s gaze shot to Mendez. “Okay, love you, brat.”

“Love you, too, Jackson.” McKenna hung up.
