Page 37 of Deadly Obsession

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“Three months.”

Jack frowned.

Mendez kept his voice low. “Our kind give birth in three months, and since McKenna is mated to Taylor, she’ll give birth in a little under two because she’s already five weeks.”

“Fuck.” Jack sat back. “How is she going to explain that to the townsfolk? Humans stay pregnant for nine months.”

“Taylor and McKenna will figure it out.” Mendez moved to sit next to Jack. “All the more reason to keep this appointment.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Jack sighed. “I just get nervous thinking about the results.”

Mendez took Jack’s hand in his. It was warm, and sparks shot up his arm from touching his mate. “Although I’m ninety-nine-point-nine percent sure you’re fine, it would settle both of us to know. And if things don’t turn out the way we expect, we’ll get through this.”

Because Mendez refused to accept any other outcome.

“Wait.” Jack frowned then whispered, “Is she going to have a baby or a kitten?”

Mendez threw his head back and laughed. Fuck, he loved this guy. “A baby, Jack. When he or she gets around a year old, they’ll shift.”

Jack’s brows shot up. “My mom…”

“Yeah, Taylor and McKenna are going to have to sit her down and tell her.” Mendez was glad he wasn’t the one to have to tell Lena, though he had a feeling she was going to be ecstatic no matter what.

Then Jack grinned. “We’re going to be uncles.”

Mendez chest ached that Jack so easily included him in their family. It was true. Since they were mated, Mendez would be an uncle to Taylor and McKenna’s child.

Jack’s grin faltered, and he slid his hand out of Mendez’s when the driver pulled into the underground garage of the hospital. Mendez moved back to his seat until they were parked then slid out, waiting for Jack to join him.

* * * *

God, Jack hated wearing hospital gowns. He hated the cold room, too. What he hated the most was the fact that Mendez wasn’t in the room with him. It would have looked odd having Mendez in the room with him, and Jack didn’t want to raise any brows.

More and more lately Jack hated not being able to claim Mendez in public, to throw caution to the wind and hold the man’s hand, fall into his arms when things became too much, and to share a kiss because, damn, Mendez made an art out of kissing.

Why did being gay have to be such a big fucking deal to so many people? Why in the hell did it matter who dated who? He should be able to love whomever and however he wanted without fear.

Love? Had he really thought that? Was he in love with Mendez?

The truth slammed into him. Yes, he loved Mendez with all his heart. And damn it, he wanted his mate in the room with him.

Jack got up and swung the door of the exam room open. Mendez was sitting in a chair against the wall. His mate looked up, and Jack wasn’t sure of the emotions on his own face, but Mendez must have seen something, because he got up and came over.

“I didn’t see the doctor come in.” There was deep concern in Mendez’s gray eyes.

Fuck, Jack really did love the guy.

“He hasn’t.” He grabbed Mendez’s hand and pulled him into the room. “But it’s killing me to sit here by myself.”

He closed the door behind them then fell into Mendez’s arms. The guy was stiff for all of two seconds before he hugged him.

“I want you in here with me,” Jack said as he rested his head against Mendez’s shoulder.

“The doctor or a nurse could walk in here at any moment.” Mendez slid his hand down Jack’s side. “And weren’t you supposed to get dressed?”

With a sigh, Jack pulled away. “I just needed that hug.”

With a nod, Mendez turned, heading for the door, but Jack grabbed his hand and stopped him.
