Page 40 of Deadly Obsession

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Mendez straightened his own clothes, even though he wanted to pull Jack down onto the sofa in the room and curl around him. “Waiting to find you.”

As Jack lay lazily against the door, Mendez grabbed some paper towels and cleaned up the cum shots then tossed the towels in the trash. He turned Jack, kissing him softly. “Come on, pretty boy. You have adoring fans waiting for you.”

His mate went over to his dressing table and used a cloth to wipe his face.

“Okay, ready.” Jack grabbed a bottled water from the minifridge.

Mendez looked his mate over to make sure he was presentable then opened the door. There were people in the hallway, staff and security, as they stepped from the room. Mendez got Jack to where he needed to go then faded into the background as he watched the women have a meltdown and the men gush their praise.

Jack Dane was in his element. He gave them all award-winning smiles, laughed, and spoke to them as if he’d known each of them for years.

Mendez’s hackles rose when he noticed one guy sticking too close to Jack, even when Jack moved to talk to someone else. There was another security person in the room, and Mendez locked eyes with the guy.

The other bodyguard felt it, too. What was his name again? James? Yeah, that was it. Mendez recalled seeing James around a few times in the past month. Secondary security for large venue appearances.

Mendez didn’t have cause to tackle the fan and kick him out. Technically the man wasn’t doing anything wrong, but his wolf snarled.

“Kitty.” Jack chuckled. “Love the name.” He sat in a cushioned chair as Kitty and the other adoring fans sat on the two couches in the room. There were six VIPs in all. Three women and three men. One female looked around sixteen, and there was a striking resemblance to the woman next to her. Mom or aunt.

The other woman could barely contain her excitement but remained seated as Jack talked to them. He was engaging, charming, and Mendez saw why so many loved him. Jack was affable, his expression open and honest, and that seemed to draw the women in even more.

Then Jack turned to the other couch. Two men sat there, a look of wonderment in their eyes as they talked and laughed. One guy was tall and slim, with brown hair and eyes. He had a small scar under his left eye. The other was rounder, a lot shorter than the guy next to him, with cowboy boots on his feet and a Stetson resting on one knee.

He had what some called jolly cheeks. They were flaming red, as if he were starstruck, which he probably was.

But the guy who Mendez had his eye on didn’t sit. He moved closer to Jack’s chair. Mendez saw when his mate noticed. He didn’t turn and give the man any attention, but he stiffened slightly.

Mendez moved forward. “Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to have a seat.”

The guy shot daggers at Mendez but moved to the couch with the men and sat. Jack gave the man a smile. “I’m sorry. We haven’t met yet.”

“Henry.” The guy smiled. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dane.”

Jack smiled warmly. “Call me Jack, Henry.”

Henry blushed. “I was just trying to get a selfie with you.”

Mendez’s mate chuckled. “We can do that afterward. Right now we’re all just chilling.” Then Jack swept his gaze over all of them. “But feel free to take pictures from where you’re seated.”

Phones rose, and flashes went off. Jack was sitting forward, his elbows on his knees, talking to the teenager. Jealousy ripped through Henry’s eyes, as if he were pissed that all of Jack’s attention wasn’t on him.

Mendez exchanged another look with James. The guy had moved a bit closer to the couch with the males. Mendez was close enough to stop anything if one of the fans became too enthusiastic but was far enough back not to be intrusive.

Henry fidgeted in his seat. The person next to him with the scar under his eye glared at Henry, as if pissed the guy wouldn’t sit still.

Mendez should have asked how long this thing was going to take. He’d been so caught up with Jack in the dressing room that he’d forgotten to ask. It wasn’t as if Huck shared that information with him beforehand. He might have mentioned it before the concert, but honestly, so much had been going on that Mendez couldn’t recall.

He did know that Huck had had background checks run on the people in the room.

Then Huck swept into the room, a wide smile on his face. “I hope everyone is having a good time.”

Jack sat back, his smile a bit strained. His gaze casually swept to Henry every so often, as if he felt the tension in the room.

The VIPs ignored Huck and continued to ask Jack a million questions. The guys wanted to know how Jack broke into the business and what it was like to tour. The women wanted to know his favorite foods, who he listened to on the radio, and if it was true he was single.

Jack answered them all, affectively dodging the question about being single by asking Kitty what she did for a living.

“Sorry, you guys. We’re going to have to wrap this up. Jack needs his rest after his performance,” Huck said.
