Page 41 of Deadly Obsession

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Everyone stood. Pressure built in Mendez’s gut. Jack didn’t shy away when the teenager asked if she could hug him. Jack leaned in but kept his body distant. Mendez didn’t like anyone in his mate’s personal space because that was dangerous, but the hug was harmless, as the girl pulled away, blushing like crazy. Jack nodded at the guys, thanking them for coming, and then he stood there for pictures with his fans. He put his arm around the women for the pictures but simply stood next to the men.

James had moved even closer, his eyes on Henry. The selfies lasted about three minutes. Then some handed Huck their phone so he could photograph them with Jack. Henry got close to Jack, and Mendez had to force himself not to growl.

Now James was to Henry’s right, just out of shot of the photos. Mendez’s muscles bunched, ready to jump into action. James looked as though he was vibrating with tension. His gaze kept sweeping between Henry and Jack.

“I am your biggest fan,” Henry gushed as the others filed out. “I swear it’s as though your songs were written about my own life.”

“I’m glad you like them,” Jack said with a smile. “Does my heart good to know people appreciate my music.”

Henry held his phone up, and Jack leaned in slightly with a gorgeous smile. Then Henry wrapped his arm around Jack’s waist, yanking him closer.

Mendez was on him in less than a second, moving faster than James. He eased Henry’s arm away from Jack. “I’m sorry, but touching isn’t allowed.”

“Why not?” Henry argued. “He threw his arm over the women. I paid for my pass, a crazy amount, I might add. For that price, we should have gotten a private session with him.”

“I’m sorry this didn’t turn out the way you expected.” Huck inserted himself between Henry and Jack. “We can offer you free tickets to the next concert.”

As Huck tried to calm Henry’s temper, Mendez eased Jack out of the room. They didn’t say a word to each other as they, along with three other security personnel, headed for the back exit. The other three stood firm as Mendez and Jack climbed into the back of the limo, and then the car was off.

“Fuck.” Jack rubbed his eyes. “That guy gave me the creeps. I thought for sure he was gonna try to kiss me when he yanked me to him.”

A low growl rumbled in Mendez’s chest. “I would have ripped his fucking head off.”

His mate sighed. “I actually had a nice time except for Henry, though I can’t get too pissed. I’ve dealt with crazier fans than him.”

“We had it covered.” Mendez looked at the privacy glass but didn’t make a move. “We weren’t going to let anything happen to you.”

Jack looked deep in thought for a moment. “Do you think Henry is my stalker?”

Mendez shrugged. “The thought crossed my mind. Huck had background checks run on the VIPs, but nothing came up. If Henry is our guy, we have his info.”

Jack slouched in his seat and yawned. “Nothing a drink and shower won’t cure, along with about ten hours of sleep.”

Mendez couldn’t agree more. A hot shower with his mate then falling into bed, curled around the man he loved, was exactly what he needed.

Chapter Eleven

Jack groaned when his phone starting blaring. He tried to push up so he could silence it, his eyes feeling gritty, but Mendez’s arm was slung over his side, making it impossible to move.

The phone went silent then started ringing again.

“I’m going to kill whoever is on the other end,” Mendez grumbled as he pulled his arm away.

Jack grabbed his phone and sighed. “What the fuck? Why are you calling me so early, Huck?”

“You have an interview in three hours, or have you forgotten?”

A groan rattled in Jack’s throat as he fell back to the bed. Mendez’s arm came instantly around him, pulling Jack to him. He felt warm and cozy lying against a guy who put off so much heat.

“I really need the rest.” Jack rubbed his eyes and yawned. He might have pitched a fit about it being early, but he honestly didn’t know what time it was. He just knew he wasn’t ready to get up yet.

“Your next show isn’t for another four weeks. You can get all the downtime you need in between fulfilling your obligations,” Huck said with a huff. “What’s gotten into you lately? You used to love the PR side of this business.”

“After ten years, maybe I’m enjoying my free time.” Especially since Mendez had walked into his life. His mate had fucked Jack six ways from Sunday in the shower then two more times after they’d fallen into bed.

Jack’s entire body was sore, though he wasn’t complaining.

“Okay, do this one interview and I won’t bug you for a week solid. Deal?”
