Page 42 of Deadly Obsession

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A week at home with Mendez? Fuck yeah. “Fine. Where’s the interview?”

“That’s my boy. Actually we’ve set up a room in the hotel. Some magazine that’s just starting out and could use some hotshot celebrity to put them on the map. Be downstairs in three hours.”

Jack hung up and tossed his phone aside. “Wake me up in two hours.”

Two hours later, Jack was up, bleary-eyed, sucking down a cup of coffee. When he felt like he was no longer a zombie, he showered and dressed.

Mendez walked him downstairs. Huck met them outside the suite. “After that crazed fan last night, I asked James to be here, too,” Huck said. “Extra eyes don’t hurt.”

Jack walked into the room and saw cameras and an overhead mic. A woman was sitting there in a black pencil skirt, white blouse, and high heels. She had amazing red hair that cascaded down her back and bright green eyes.

She was simply beautiful.

“Thank you for agreeing to this interview. I’m Melissa Romano.” She stood and extended her hand. Her fingers were long and graceful, and her skin was soft as Jack shook, making sure to keep his grip light.

“It’s a pleasure.” He smiled as he sat down across from her, wishing he was still in bed. His body might ache from last night, but all Jack could think about was getting upstairs.

There were others in the room, camera crew and staff, as the interview got underway. Jack saw Mendez off to one side, James right next to him. They spoke quietly to each other, but Mendez’s gaze kept straying to Jack, making Jack’s heart beat just a little faster.

Melissa hit him with softball questions, about his music, his world tour, and how the international fans flocked to see him. She also asked if he was in the process of writing new music.

“Word is, Jack, that you and Miss Rachael Patsy are no longer an item. Can you confirm the rumor?” Her smile seemed genuine, but Jack didn’t want to talk about his dating life. He always tried his best to steer away from the topic whenever he could.

He gave her his most charming smile and winked. “Are you asking me out, Melissa?”

She gave a soft laugh. “If only I was so lucky.”

If Jack was straight, she would be right up his alley. He was gay, but he still appreciated feminine beauty.

She leaned in, a spark in her green eyes that Jack didn’t like. “There’s another rumor a lot of people would like to put to bed.”

Now Jack’s insides twisted. She’d definitely been setting him up for something with her remark about Rachael. Jack wanted to call a halt to this interview, but he didn’t have good reason why. “I wasn’t aware your magazine specialized in rumors.”

He could have had a better comeback, but he was rattled now and wasn’t on top of his game. He saw the gleam in her eye, like when a predator spotted prey. She was about to go in for the kill.

“We just like getting to the truth.” She sat back, crossed her leg, and smiled at him. “A source has told me that you’re gay.”

The bottom fell out from under Jack. How in the fuck? No one had ever speculated that before, never even hinted at it in his past interviews. The room grew hotter by at least a thousand degrees. Jack’s heart, which had already been going way too fast, pounded even harder. He felt sweat clinging to him as he looked over at Mendez.

His mate looked at him, his expression saying he was behind Jack no matter what he said. Jack simply stared at him, all the love for his mate welling up inside of him, but was it enough?


He turned back to Melissa. All Jack had to do was deny it, laugh at the ridiculousness of what she said, and charm her.

God, he was lightheaded, and his breaths were shallow. Was he hyperventilating? It sure as fuck felt like it. He darted his gaze around the room. Everyone had gone still, all eyes on him. He was nauseous and numb.

“Jack?” Melissa repeated his name, and now there was concern in her voice.

He swung his head around to look at her, feeling an overwhelming urge to get up and run. He couldn’t even think coherently. When he looked back at Mendez—his mate frowning as he took a step forward, as if Jack really would pass out—something inside Jack snapped.

The room came back into focus. His breathing calmed. The heat in the room leveled out. He smiled at Melissa. “Yes, I’m gay.”

Melissa gasped as her eyebrows shot up. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. To his surprise, Melissa gave him a warm smile. She leaned forward, squeezed his hand, then sat back.

“Now, about your upcoming tours.”

Jack was jittery, but he forced himself to answer her questions with a smile. When he looked at Mendez, his mate’s eyes were shining.
